Chapter 7

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Biana pov: 

We all decided to play base quest. We made the teams, Sophie, Keefe, me, and Tam were on a team and Linh, Wylie, Dex, and Fitz were on the other team.  

"Okay, Tam, Biana you guard the base, Sophie and me will try to tag the other team," Keefe says. 

Of course Keefe wants to be with Sophie, but it is okay because I am good with being with Tam. 

"Sounds good," I say. "Sophie can you try to track the other teams thought."

"Of course" she says and her and Keefe walk away holding hands.

"Awww they're so cute," I say to Tam. He just role his eyes at me and smiles. I am so lucky that he likes me.  

We stand by our base and talk for a while well we keep guard. After a little bit Fitz and Linh pop out through the bush, that is weird almost no one gets past Sophie, I wonder how they did it. 

"I will get Fitz, you get Linh." I wisper to Tam. He agrees and I start to run after Fitz. He is faster then me because of his freakishly long legs and at first it looks like he is going to out run me but then I turn invisible. Fiitz looks around trying to see where I am, I sneak up behind him and yell "tag!" and tap his back. He screams really loudly and high pitched. Oops I must of scared him. I  start laughing really hard and Fitz just glares at me but soon he starts laughing too. 

"Come on," I say. "Lets go see if Tam  has tagged Linh yet. We start to walk back to where the base is  and Fitz says, "So you and Tam huh." "Shut up," I mumble. He laughs at me and we walk back to the base and see that Tam has tagged Linh. 

"Good job," I say and we high five.

Sophie pov:

Keefe and I started walking towards where we thought the other team might be. I started to concentrate on trying to track peoples location. I guess I was focusing so hard that I was not paying attention to where I was stepping and I tripped over a rock. I was falling towards the ground when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and save me from falling. I look up and see Keefe and imedetly blush.

"You are really falling for me Foster," Keefe says with a smirk. My cheeks grow even redder. 

I take a risk and quietly say, "I guess I am."

Keefe leans down and kisses me on the lips. I kiss him back and it turns intense. We continue to kiss until my clumsy self  trips and because Keefe still has his arms wrapped around me we both fall to the ground. We land with a thud and Keefe says, "Wow Foster you ACTUALLY need to stop falling for me." I blush again when he says that and then my cheeks go on fire when I realize how close we are. He is literally on top of me. 

"Umm Keefe," I say. "I am kind of squished over here."

He blushes and mumbles. "sorry" and gets off of me. He offers his hand to help me up and I take it and stand up. 

We stand there in kind of a awkward silence until we see two people running towards are base. 

"Oh no," I say. Hopefully Biana and Tam can handle that.

Linh pov:  

The game of base quest had begun. We decided to split up into teams of two and try to tag the other teams base. Fitz and me were on a team and Wylie and Dex were on the other. 

"Okay you guys go right me and Linh will go left try to meet back at the base," Fitz says.

We all agree and me and Fitz go to the left. It is kind of awkward between us, we have never been the closet of friends. I try to start small talk.

"So don't you think are siblings are really cute together," I say.

"Yeah they actually are," he says. "At first I did not really like the idea of Biana dating someone, but I think they both really like each other so now I support them."

"Yeah," I say. "I never really thought of Tam dating anyone, but I guess it had to happen someday. It is kind of weird that everyone in are friend group is dating now, although Sophie and Keefe are really cute."

"Yeah they are," he agrees. He looks up and says, "speak of the devil." I look up to see what he is looking at, and I see them. Sophie and Keefe are practically making out in the middle of the field. 

"Oh my god," I say. "I guess this makes it easier to sneak past them." 

Fitz laughs and we start to run past them. "Wow they really did not notice at all," Fitz says. 

I laugh and look back at them and Keefe is laying on top of Sophie! Wow this is a fast moving relation ship.

We enter a clearing and see Tam and Biana guarding the base. At least they are not making out. They see us and Tam starts chasing after me and Biana chases Fitz. Tam is catching up to me, dang I am really slow. I splash him in the face with water and that seems to make him more eager to tag me. He reaches me and tags me. 

"Darn it," I say. We walk back to the  base and see that Biana has tagged Fitz. 

"Look there is Dex and Wylie," Biana says. Her and Tam chase after them and quickly tag the. I guess we lost, Sophie's team really does always win, even if she does not do much to help them.

Biana yells out, "Lets go find Keefe and Sophie." 

"They are probably making out somewhere," Tam says.

"Based on what Fitz and I saw they probably are,' I say.

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