Chapter 5

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Keefe pov:

"I dare you to kiss your crush on the lips for 30 seconds," Biana says.

Foster gets up and starts walking in my direction. Is she going to kiss me? No she will probably kiss Fitz, who is sitting next to me right now, that's probably who she is walking towards. 

"Hey Keefe," she says and she bends over and kisses me on the lips. I am shocked. She likes me! It takes a second for me to realize that Foster is kissing me and that I should probably kiss her back. Kissing her feels like there are fire works exploding around me. It is not like kissing any other girl I have ever kissed before, it feels... amazing. I close my eyes and hope that the 30 seconds never end, but all to soon Biana calls out,

"30 seconds are up, you can stop making out now." 

Sophie and I pull apart blushing and Sophie whispers to me, "I like you Keefe, I have for a while now." I smile at her and say, "You don't even know how long I have liked you for Foster" She smiles at me and walks back to her seat. Is this really happening? Does Foster really like me? This does not feel real. I guess it is real though because right after the kiss ends Biana and Linh scream, "OMG SOKEEFE IS REALLY HAPPENING, THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" Every one laughs and Sophie is blushing like crazy.

I say, "Oooohhhh you made Foster blush." We all laugh and go back to the game. 

"My turn," Sophie says. "Fitz truth or dare?" "Dare" he responds. Sophie smirks and says, "I dare you to let Biana give you a makeover, and she can do whatever she wants to do to you." 

Oof that is a very bad dare. Fitz looks so scared. This is going to be really funny. Biana laughs evilly and takes Fitz upstairs and he looks like he is about to cry. I can't wait to see what he looks like. 

The rest of us just kind of sit there and talk about random stuff. It's a little bit awkward though because there has been a lot of relationship drama tonight. 

It feels like we have been waiting there for forever when Biana comes back and says, "FItz is ready." Biana pulls Fitz into the room and he looks so funny. He has on bright purple eye shadow and electric blue lipstick. He has dark red blush on his cheeks and long black eyelashes but the funniest part of all is his hair is long and wavy and dyed pink. I never thought I would see him like this, it is so funny.

After Fitz's make over we play a few more rounds of truth or dare and then we all get tired and decide to go to bed. Fitz and Biana bring everyone sleeping bags and we all sleep in a circle in the living room. 

I still have nightmares from the time we were fighting the Neverseen so it is hard for me to fall asleep. I lay there for a little while just thinking about all the great things that have happened tonight. Sophie likes me and we kissed, I have liked her for years and she has never liked me back until now. I finally have a chance with her. 

Right when I am about to drift off into sleep I hear someone softly crying. I think it is Foster. I walk over there feeling concerned for her. "Are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head and I don't say anything, I just wrap her in a hug. I feel her breathing slow down, and she quiets down and drifts into a deep sleep. I hope she is okay I think right before I fall asleep with my arms wrapped around her.

Sophie pov:

I wake up to two people looking down at me and I am pretty sure they are whispering about me. 

"Did they sleep like that all night?" I hear someone ask. 

"I don't know, when we went to bed they were not like that so they must of started sleeping like that in the middle of the night. They also told each other that they liked each other last night so it might have something to do with that."

"Ooooh was there some relationship drama in your friend group last night?" I hear the other voice say. 

"Yeah there was, I will tell you about it later" the other voice responds.

I open my eyes to see Biana and Della standing over me. "Oh Sophie your up!" Della exclaims. 

"Good morning" I say. I look around me to see what they are talking about and see Keefe peacefully sleeping with his arms wrapped around me. I think I had a nightmare last night and he came over to comfort me. That is why I must of slept so well, Keefe always makes me feels safe. I start to think about how we kissed last night and it makes me feel so happy.

"Why were you sleeping with Keefe?" Biana asks. I explain to Biana and Della what had happened and but they still look like they don't believe me. 

Biana yells, "girl talk in my room, now!" Keefe wakes up when Biana yells that and I say, "Keefe you have to let go of me I have to go upstairs with Biana." Keefe who is not fully awake yet says, "Foster just stay with me for 5 more minutes." I blush when he says that and Biana, and Linh who has now joined us say, "Aww they're so cute." Keefe realized what was happening quickly lets go of me and aplogize's. Biana drags me upstairs and immediately asks,

"So what is going on between you and Keefe?"

"Nothing," I say. "I think we are just two people who like each other and are relationship might go farther but I don't really know."

"Then why were you guys sleeping together last night?" Linh asks. 

"Because I had a nightmare last night and Keefe heard me and came over to comfort me. It's really nothing, I swear." I say, I think I sound a little suspicious because Biana then says,

"That is not what it looked like to me but if that is what you say happened I guess I believe you." They still do not look sure. 

I was getting annoyed so I decided to change the subject. "So Biana, what is going on with you and Tam?" She looks a little sad when she says, "Nothing, I really like him but I don't think he likes me because when I said that I liked him he did not even respond."

Linh and I start laughing because it is so obvious that Tam likes her. "Biana are you kidding me," Linh says. "How could you be so oblivious. Tam totally likes you."

 "Yeah," I add on. "You guys are always flirting and I always catch him staring at you."

"Really!" Biana exclaims. 

"For sure,  I am his twin so I know when he likes someone, we have a connection like that," Linh jokes. We all start to laugh and Biana asks Linh who she likes. 

Linh says, "I actually have a secret crush on Wylie, but there is no way he could like me back."

"He totally likes you, I think he started crushing on you when you helped him get through all the stuff when he was attacked by the Neverseen," Biana says. 

"Yeah, I even noticed that he likes you and I am totally oblivious to that kind of stuff," I say. We all start to laughing. 

It is amazing that all 3 of us could find happiness even after all we have been through, I think to myself.

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