Chapter 6

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Tam pov: 

I still need to talk to Biana. I am pretty sure that she is mad at me because I did not say anything when she said that she liked me. I am gonna talk to her when she comes back from her "girl talk." 

They come back down stairs and they all look pretty happy. I wonder what they were talking about up there?

I decide that now is a good time to talk to Biana, "Hey Biana," I say. "Can I talk to you"

"Sure" she responds with a smile.

We walk into another part of Everglen and I tell her, "Biana I am sorry I did not respond to you when you said that you liked me. I like you too."

"Really!" she said. "I mean Linh said that you liked me but I did not really believe her, I guess it is true though."

Linh told Biana that I liked her. Oh my god I am going to kill her. Maybe that is why Biana was so happy when she came down stairs, because she knew how I felt about her.

I forget about what Linh said and ask Biana, "Would you maybe like want to go out sometime, like umm... on a date?"

"I would love to," she responds. We smile at each other and walk into the main room holding hands.

Keefe pov:

When Biana and Tam leave the room I decide to be brave and ask Sophie, "Umm hey Foster would you want to go in the kitchen and like talk?"

"Umm yeah, sure," she says back to me. 

As we walk into the kitchen  I catch FItz's eye and he winks at me. It is kind of weird that he is so supportive of my relationship with Foster when he used to date her. I mean I definitley would not be so supportive of him if it was the other way around. I guess he is okay with it though. I have always had a theory that he is gay but then he started liking Sophie so I kind of just forgot about it but maybe it is true, if it is true it would make sense that he is okay with Sophie and me dating. I will talk to him about it later. Right now I need to focus on Foster.

"So Foster," I say. "I really do like you, and it is really great that you like me back, and I was wondering if you would ever like want to go out with me and like be my girlfriend?"

"That would be great" She responds. 

I smile at her and say, "How about next Saturday night?"

"Sounds perfect."

She slowly starts inching towards d me and I take a small  forward, we stare at each others mouths and then our lips meet.  At first the kiss is soft and delicate but then the kiss becomes more intense, I put my hands on her waist and pull her closer, she starts running her hands through my hair, this feels amazing.

Sophie pov:

Keefe and I start kissing, he wraps his big, strong arms around my waist and pulls me closer, I start to run my hands through his hair. Kissing him feels so good, it feels like it was meant to be.  I  have thought about kissing Keefe before and this is nothing like I had ever imagined, we moved in sync and after a while we broke apart only because we needed air.

We looked each other in the eye, Keefe's hands caressing my cheek. "I am really excited for our date," I say. "Me too" he responds. "I am so lucky to have you as my  girlfriend Foster."  I start to blush and Keefe smirks at. Oh my god he is so  hot, I lean forward and kiss him again.

In the middle of are kiss Biana comes in the room and yells, "Sophie I need to talk to you." Me and Keefe break apart but it was to late. Biana had already seen us, she starts to squeal  and screams, "Everybody come in here Sokeefe is finally happening, I caught them kissing!" 

Everybody rushes into the room, I start to blush and see all of my friends staring at us. Linh yells out, "yes finally!" Tam just stands there and smirks at us, Wylie raises an eyebrow at me. Dex winks at me and Fitz winks at Keefe. It is kind of weird that Fitz is so supportive of are relationship because we used to date but I don't know maybe he is just happy for two of his best friends. By now my cheeks are on fire, even Keefe is blushing.

They continue to stare at us and I finally say, "Okay, okay were dating, you guys all know now, so whats the big deal?"

"Oh my god," Biana squeals , "you guys are dating!" 

"Yes" Keefe says sounding kind of annoyed, I roll my eyes at her and pray for someone to change the subject. 

Dex being my hero finally says, "Hey do you guys want to play base quest?" 

We all say that we want to play and Keefe yells out, "I call being on Fosters team." 

"Of course you do," Tam says. I blush and all of them just give Keefe and me a look and  they smirk at us.

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