Chapter 1

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Disclaimer I am not Shannon Messenger and I don't own these characters.

Sophie's pov:

I walk into my dorm room at Foxfire and say hi to my room mate and best friend Biana. Me, Biana and all of my other friends are still really close even after we defeated the Neverseen.I still have nightmares and flasbacks from the time that the Neverseen were still around but they are slowly getting better. Fitz and Keefe have both graduated from Foxfire so I do not see them as much as my other friends but we still see them a lot. Fitz and I used to date but we both decided it would be better if we were just friends. 

It is Thursday and I am really excited because after classes tomorrow my whole friend group is going to Everglen and having a sleepover for the whole weekend. I have not hung out with all of them in a while because everyone has been so busy (especially Keefe and Fitz because they are training to be in the nobility) so I am really looking forward to seeing everyone. 

I decide to start packing because I want to leave right after classes tomorrow. I grab my bag and throw in two tunics, two pairs of legging, socks, underwear and shoes. I also put Ella by my bag for good luck. I don't need her to sleep anymore but I like having her with me.  

There is another reason I am excited to see my friends tomorrow. I have  a secret crush on Keefe. Ever since Fitz and I broke up I realized that I had a big crush on Keefe and I think that I might have liked him for a while but I just did not know because I thought I liked Fitz. No one knows about my crush on Keefe because I feel like it is useless to tell people when there is no way he likes me back. Keefe could basically have any girl he wanted, there was no way he would choose me.

Biana's pov:

I have a plan for the sleepover tomorrow. I am going to get Sophie and Keefe together. I have gotten over my crush on Keefe and it is obvious that they both like each other so I am going to get them to date. Neither one has told me who they like but it is obvious they both like each other. You can tell by the way Keefe looks at Sophie and constantly flirts with her and Sophie will blush just because she is in the same room as Keefe. IT"S SO CUTE!!! I can't wait to get them together.

I also have a plan for myself at the sleepover I have a crush on Tam and I want to find out if he likes me. I know Tam is kinda emo (Sophie taught me that word) but he is so sweet and funny and he is how I got over my crush on Keefe. My crush on Keefe was honestly so stupid he is like my brother I don't know what I was thinking.

My plan to get Sophie and Keefe together and see if Tam likes me is I am going to make everyone play a big game of Truth or Dare. I am going to ask Sophie who she likes, Keefe who he likes, and when Tam finally agrees to play  I will ask him who he likes.

Sophie tells me that she is going to pack and decide that is a good idea so I pack too. I am going to my house so I don't have much to pack I just pack up the things I really need. I am so excited for tomorrow. Hopefully everything goes as planned.     

(Authors note) 

Thank you guys so much for reading my story. This is my first real story on Wattpad so I hope  you like it. 



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