Chapter One

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A/N: Images used are just found from google searches (unless otherwise stated as fan art given to me).. I don't art well

~Enji's POV~

Age:14 (third year in middle school)

"Have you seen that new transfer student?" The halls were abuzz, everyone was talking about the new mid-year transfer student who'd been accepted into our elite academy on an academic scholarship. I hadn't caught a glimpse of her yet.

"She's really creepy. I saw her loitering in the cemetery over the weekend, it was weird." Everyone was gossiping about the girl. It was annoying, I'd had to reprimand several people for lingering in the halls too long to finish up their gossip.

"I thought I saw her on the roof, a little while ago." This caught my attention, as hall monitor, I couldn't let such disregard for rules happen under my watch. I turned away from the gossip mongers and headed for the roof just as the bell for the next class to begin sounded overhead.

Marching up to the roof, I was ready to chew the new girl out and give her a week's worth of detentions. As I stepped onto the roof, I was momentarily blinded by the bright hot sun. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the brightness and I scanned the rooftop. My heart stuttered in my chest as I spotted a petite girl lying flat on her back on the raised ledge of the roof. What was she doing?

"Hey! That's dangerous!" I snapped and ran forward. One wrong move and she'd fall to her death.

She sat up slowly spilling long silken sheets of raven hair around her and turned to me with the brightest blue green eyes I'd ever seen, they were filled with desolation and despair. The dark makeup around her bright eyes gave her an even more woeful look. "What do you care?" Her voice was soft yet laced with bitterness.

"I'm a hall monitor, and you're in direct violation of several school polic-." I began my tirade but cut off as she swung to her feet standing atop the ledge, swaying a little. "Get down from there!"

"Just leave me alone, square." She turned her back on me and looked down at the ground below. Her body trembled as if she were crying, her shoulders shaking. Was she going to jump? I had to stop her! "I really hate this place...everyone here is mean and judgmental, all you rich kids do is look down on me...I'm tired of it..."

"Don't!" I reached for her as she took a step off the roof. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach as I tried to catch her hand. I wasn't going to reach her in time!

She hovered in the air a few feet away from the roof and turned on me with a lyrical laugh. "You should see the look on your face!" She gripped her sides and doubled over in laughter in midair. If she hadn't just given me a heart attack, I might have found the sound of her lilting laughter beautiful. In that moment I realized the shaking I'd seen was from her holding back laughter not crying.

"Use of quirks on school grounds is prohibited!" I snapped at her feeling flustered. She'd just taken me for a fool. "Get back here!"

She frowned at this, though there was still laughter dancing in her breathtaking eyes, "I don't want to. You're yelling and being mean."

I furiously began scribbling on my detention pad, "You're getting three weeks' worth of detention, give me your name and homeroom teacher."

"What for?" She giggled.

"Skipping class, use of your quirk during school hours, and about five other violations including dress code." I indicated her too short skirt, dark makeup and the big teal bow in her hair with the tiny skull charm on it.

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