Chapter Twenty Four

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~Mel's POV~

I heard a gasp behind me and nearly toppled off the stone bench I was sitting on. "M-Mel?" Spinning around as fast as I could, which was at a snail's pace thanks to my stupid atrophied muscles and my body not wanting to listen to any kind of commands, I spotted a strange gaunt skeletal man with dull blonde hair. He looked like hell, he was bandaged up and had one of his arms in a sling, but I had no idea who he was.

" I know you?"

"You're alive?" He gaped at me as he took a hurried step toward me.

"Ish?" I flinched as he knelt in front of me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Ah! What are you doing?!"

"You haven't aged a day! Mel, what happened to yo-?" He hugged me tighter.

I tried to swat at him, "slow your roll! Who the hell are you?!"

"Ah...I guess I do look a lot different." He eased his grip on me and his entire body shifted suddenly appearing as a very muscular man with glittering golden hair, like the man I'd seen fighting the villain the night I found my way back to my body.

"Still nothing..." I frowned.

His smile fell and I felt a twinge of guilt. "It's Toshinori..."

"Huh?! Boy Scout Senpai?!" I squealed, "what happened to you?!"

"Me? What happened to you?!" He gently cupped my face in his hands as if he were trying to get a better look at me and make sure I was actually solid and existing on this plane and not a figment of his imagination. "I thought you died."

"It's complicated." I shrugged. "They only captured my spirit, Enji preserved my body."

"Ah, where is Todoroki?" He asked curiously as he scanned the surrounding park. "I find it hard to believe he'd let you wander around alone in your present condition."

I averted my gaze, "interrogating nurses or blowing up a hospital is my guess."

"What?!" Toshinori paled. "Why would he-? didn't...tell me you didn't." He groaned.

"I had more important things to do than lay in a hospital bed like a vegetable." I frowned.

"We're going back." He sighed as he got to his feet.

"Huh?! Like hell!" I growled and tried to get up to run away thinking even in my current state I could outrun the walking skeleton version of Toshinori.

He surprised me by catching me by the wrist with his good arm and tugging me toward him. With a surprising amount of grace, he managed to sling me over his shoulder. "Oh, come on, young Mel, I'm used to your tricks. Give me a little more credit." He chuckled.

"Ah! Boy Scout! Put me down!" I roared as I tried to put up a fight but my body didn't seem to think it wanted to listen to me right now.

"Sorry, young Mel, knowing your hothead husband, we need to be quick." Toshinori sighed.

"He'll be fine! Put me down! I ate a lot of donuts and will resort to vomiting to make my escape!" I threatened him feebly as I started to feel tired and sluggish.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Toshinori snorted with laughter.

"What?! I haven't puked on you, Boy Scout Senpai, you're delusional." I frowned.

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