Chapter Thirteen

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~Mel's POV~

I woke with a start as I heard Enji let out a roar of rage from beside me. His arms were wrapped around me, his large muscular frame smooshed against me keeping me warm. With a yawn I opened my eyes and couldn't help but laugh as I realized what had happened, Toshinori had apparently rolled over in his sleep and was snuggling Enji from behind.

"Get away from me!" Enji roared with rage.

Kaito, who was laying on the other side of me, woke with a start and looked around to find the source of his distress. He paled when he realized Enji was already in a terrible mood.

"Enji-kun, it's tired out, stop yelling." I grumbled and snuggled closer to him.

"Get him off of me!" He snapped.

Kaito looked like he wasn't sure if he should laugh or run for his life. He cleared his throat, "I'm going to make breakfast. Mel want to come with me?"

I giggled and broke from Enji's hold, "Yeah I suppose, I feel like we're interrupting their snuggle time."

"Mel!" Enji roared and I nearly doubled over in laughter as I noticed Toshinori had him in a death grip.

"Enjoy your snuggles, Enji-kun. I knew you liked Boy Scout Senpai." I teased him and skipped out of the tent after Kaito.

"MEL!" Enji snarled.

"You think the tent will survive?" I asked Kaito curiously as we stepped out of the tent and I stretched my arms up toward the sky.

"Probably not." Kaito chuckled softly as he dug through the supply pack for some cooking supplies and the provisions we had for breakfast.

"Awh, man! We need the grumpy one for fire." I sighed before picking up a piece of kindling and ducking back inside the tent. "Enji-kun, we need fire."

Enji shot me a glare. "Then I suggest you get this smiley bastard off of me."

"So dramatic." I giggled and set the kindling down before kneeling next to Toshinori. I shook him lightly, "Boy Scout Senpai, Enji-kun is not enjoying your snuggles, let go-AH!" Toshinori rolled over in his sleep releasing Enji and I let out a squeak as he effortlessly knocked me over and caught me in a death grip. "EEP!"

Enji sat up looking livid, "get your hands off her!" He punched Toshinori in the side of the head so hard I thought I heard his brain rattle inside his skull.

Toshinori's bright blue eyes fluttered open as if he'd just woken up naturally and not from a possible contusion. "Oh, good morning, young Mel, what are you doing here?" He asked me casually.

"LET HER GO!" Enji was about to set the entire tent ablaze.

I couldn't help but giggle at Enji's outburst, "you kidnapped me, Boy Scout Senpai."

"Oh, sorry about that." Toshinori grinned and released me from his hold.

"Enough! Get away from her." Enji growled before bending forward catching my wrist in his hand. He pulled me up with one swift tug and slung me over his shoulder in one fluid movement.

"Ah! Hey!" I squirmed uselessly in an attempt to break out of his hold but he was much too strong and far too angry to let me go.

He stooped down to pick up the piece of kindling I'd dropped before carrying me out of the tent. He set the piece of kindling ablaze in his hand and tossed it into the firepit before marching off into the woods with me still slung over his shoulder.

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