Chapter Twenty Six

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~Mel's POV~

I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting at the park, partially to process things but mostly because I'd managed to get the wheelchair in soft squishy dirt and wasn't strong enough to get myself out. Giving up with a sigh, I slumped into the stupid wheelchair feeling weak and useless. Without a form of communication, I had no way to call someone for help. The sun slowly made its descent beneath the horizon making the sky look like a painter's palette.

"There she is!" I heard a familiar feminine voice from behind me and turned to see Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto approaching me just as the street lamps in the park sprang to life.

Natsuo reached me first and easily pulled my wheelchair out of the soft dirt and back onto the stone walkway. "You know, Aunt Mel, I have to say, you're pretty awesome." He grinned as he took over pushing my chair for me.

"Yeah, why's that?" I sighed and looked over to Fuyumi who offered me a smile before turning my gaze to Shoto who looked completely indifferent.

"I've never seen Dad like that before. It was great." Natsuo beamed, "when we get back home, can you make him jump through hoops?" He laughed.

"Natsuo!" Fuyumi scolded her younger brother with a frown, "stop it."

I looked to the three siblings with a sigh, "listen, I know he's probably been an insufferable asshole since I was gone...but...I'd really appreciate it, if you all could give him another chance."

"Aren't you angry with him?" Natsuo pondered.

"Very much so, but that's between your father and I and will be dealt with preferably when I have enough strength to throw a chair at his face." I grumbled causing the three siblings to crack up laughing.

"Why do you get to be angry and we have to give him a second chance?" Shoto asked me quietly.

"You can still be angry." I shrugged, "hell, I'll even tag team with you if he tries to reprimand you for being angry. I won't stay angry though, I'll forgive them both and we'll work things out, we always do. No matter what he's done or how big of an asshole he's been, I can assure you, his parents were far worse, so if possible, try to understand a little."

"I highly doubt that." Natsuo huffed.

"Has your father ever maimed someone you love? Threatened to char them alive in front of you?" I asked with a sigh.

", not really, but that would be pretty villainous, who'd do such a thing?" Natsuo frowned.

I pulled the neck of my t-shirt dress down to one side dropping it off one shoulder to reveal the angry bubbled up burn scar Enji's father had left me with. It splashed across my collarbone, draped across my shoulder spilling down my shoulder blade and stretched down my arm almost to my bicep. "If you ever wondered why you never met your grandparents on your father's side, this part of it. Your grandfather did this to me, in front of Enji...we were only in middle school...I think maybe that might have pushed him over the edge a little."

The three siblings fell silent. Fuyumi stared at me in horror. Natsuo looked like he was going to be sick. Shoto was silent and pensive.

"I'm not trying to make excuses for him, and you're still more than welcome to be angry with him and you can take your time forgiving him...I just want you all to understand a little more about why he can be the way he is, factors that should be taken into account...that's all."

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