Chapter Four

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~Meliara's POV~

Age: 14

I looked down at the thrift store watch with the glow in the dark skulls adorning my pale wrist and frowned as I stood beneath the café's awning to stay out of the rain. Enji said he'd pick me up when I got off work and he was such a goody goody there's no way he'd stand me up. It was fifteen after and there was still no sign of him. All my coworkers had already gone home for the night.

"Hey baby, want to come home with me tonight?" A drunkard stumbled out of the bar next door and lumbered toward me.

"No thanks." I folded my arms in front of me and turned away from him.

He reached out and coiled his grimy hand around my arm. "Oh, come on, doll, don't be like that-."

I turned on him with a glare as my skin began to crawl with the haunting memory of the night my innocence had been forever shattered. "If you want to keep breathing and stumbling through your miserable drunken existence, I suggest you release me." My voice came out in an icy hiss.

"Hey! Get away from her!" The Hall Monitor's voice yelled from the other end of the sidewalk sounding somewhat breathless.

The drunkard stumbled away from me with a yelp as I briefly activated my quirk and sent a ghostly skeletal visage of my face flying toward him like a thing out of nightmare. He turned and staggered away as quickly as he could only succeeding in smacking face first into a pole. I righted myself and turned to see a tall teenage boy with neatly spiked red hair and bright teal eyes running toward me. He was soaking wet and appeared to have changed out of his workout gear and replaced it with a pair of plain denim jeans and a grey long sleeve shirt that was now clinging tightly to his muscular frame.

"Sorry, I'm late." He was out of breath. Did he run all the way here from his fancy estate?

"It's no big deal." I shrugged, I had no idea why he tried so hard, at everything. He was great at every sport we played in gym class, had a perfect grade point average, was a hall monitor, was a class representative and also part of the student council.

"Are you okay? Was he bothering you?" He asked me as he stopped under the awning and looked to the drunk who'd picked himself up and was now scurrying away quickly.

"I'm fine. You successfully came to my rescue again." I offered him a faint smile. "Did your canoe tip over on the way?" I teased him as I pointed to his sopping wet clothes.

"I ran into a slight complication and couldn't take the car." He sighed.

"Ah, you told mother dearest you were hanging out with me." I surmised.

He frowned slightly, "Something like that."

"And you snuck out of the house and ran all the way here?" I pondered.

He nodded.

I feigned a gasp, "Who are you and what have you done with Hall Monitor-kun?!"

"Shut up." His cheeks reddened and he cleared his throat and awkwardly shoved his hands into his pockets. They sloshed and I laughed, he was soaked to the bone. "Well what the hell did you want to do for your birthday?"

I couldn't help but shake my head at this, "I was content with nothing, that's why I never brought it up, you were the one who insisted we do something." I held up a small plastic bag with the maid café logo on it, "So, I got some cake from work. Mind if we go to my favorite place to eat it?"

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