Chapter Twelve

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~Mel's POV~

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~Mel's POV~

A few months had gone by and I was really starting to excel at UA. I'd gotten third place in the sports Festival, Enji had gotten first. I was doing well in all of my classes. Thanks to Toshinori's mentorship and Flashbolt being kind of an asshole, I was getting much better at utilizing my quirk to fight. I still had a long way to go but I was feeling better about my quirk and my ability to become a hero. Enji easily made it to the top spot of the class and was elected Class President, though I had a feeling it was because everyone was terrified of him. All of the votes, save for one, had been for Enji. The single vote was for me so I got to be his Vice President which he seemed way too happy about.

I glanced around the lush forest our class and our buddies were currently trekking through. We were spending the weekend with our third-year mentors out in the woods to work on our quirks. Flashbolt was planning another of his hero vs villain exercises but had yet to disclose any of the details to anyone other than we'd be working in teams of four with our third-year buddies. We got to draw our partners in class, I had a feeling Enji hadn't originally drawn my name and had threatened whoever did and forced them to trade.

"Alright, we're stopping here." Flashbolt growled ahead of the group, we'd been hiking up steep trails through the forest for hours, everyone was exhausted save for Enji and Toshinori who the rest of us were convinced weren't human. I wasn't nearly as tired as the rest of the group thanks to my training with Toshinori but I was still exhausted.

Kaito, Enji's third year mentor looked out of breath too and the two of us leaned against one another for support. He was nice and I felt sorry for him for being paired up with Enji who was more often than not in a terrible mood and always wanting to outshine everyone. Kaito was soft spoken and a people pleaser so he often played the role of doormat whenever we had buddy time.

Enji's teal eyes flicked in our direction as he noticed me and Kaito leaning on each other. "What the hell?"

"We're tired." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Then ask for help." He glowered before grabbing me by the arm and wrenching me toward him. I let out a squeak of surprise as he swept me off my feet with ease not seeming the least bit hindered by my weight or our long hike.

No longer having me to lean on, Kaito hit the ground and groaned softly. I shot Enji a glare, "look what you did to Scaredy Cat Senpai!"

"He's fine." Enji shrugged.

Flashbolt sighed at our antics before clearing his throat to get everyone's attention. "Everyone, select a Team Captain then Team Captains report to me for instruction."

Enji looked to me and I cut him off before he could speak with a sigh, "I don't care, Enji-kun, it's more exhausting to argue with you than it was to climb up that stupid mountain."

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