Chapter Nineteen

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-25 years later-

Toya- Age 22

Fuyumi- Age 21

Natsuo- Age 19

Shoto- Age 14

Enji- Age 43

Rei- Age 43

~Toya's POV~

The Todoroki family was in shambles, it had been for as long as I could remember. Growing up, everyone believed I had to have the perfect family and happiest childhood because my father was the number two hero. My father was an abusive asshole, he lashed out at everyone and everything, he showed no love for anything. He was blinded by ambition and his need to be the best and train the best. At first, he thought I would be his successor and focused his attention on me, but once Shoto was born, things changed.

"Toya? What are you doing up?" My younger sister, Fuyumi asked me with a yawn as she stepped into the hall looking as if she'd just gotten home from a late-night cram session. She was going to school to be a teacher; it was her last semester before graduation so she was spending all her free time studying for finals.

"I couldn't sleep." I grumbled quietly. I'd been having dreams, reliving one of the many painful memories of my childhood over and over again. It had been a traumatic day.

"If she could see you now, she'd be livid!" Mom screamed at dad as Shoto cried after another one of his brutal training sessions. She who?

Dad's face turned scary with rage, "don't talk about her!"

"You're not the only one grieving!" Mom was beside herself.

Dad let out a roar of rage and blew a hole through a wall with a flaming fist before storming away. Shoto was still crying. Fuyumi and our younger brother Natsuo were also crying. I shakily went to pick up Shoto to try and console him before approaching Mom as she sank to her knees in tears.

"Mom?" I reached out to console her.

She looked to me with tears in her eyes, hurt by Dad's rage, "I'm not your mother." She took Shoto from my arms and walked away.

That memory haunted me, even now. What could she have possibly meant by that? Fuyumi reached out and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright? You look a little pale."

I nodded and shrugged away from her. "Yeah, I'm going to make some tea and try to sleep again." I lied.

"Alright, goodnight, Toya." She gave me a quick hug before ducking into her room.

I moved down the hall toward our father's room. He was away at some hero conference which meant I had time to finally try to find some answers. Once I was sure the coast was clear I stepped into his room. It was tidy and organized. There were no pictures on the walls or any of the surfaces. I frowned before stepping toward his nightstand.

I opened the drawer and paused as I spotted a very worn looking box as if it had been opened and closed millions of times. Hesitantly, I lifted the box out of the drawer. I set it on the bed before lifting the lid. It was filled with pictures and even a few flash drives. I flipped through the pictures. There were so many of them, all of the same beautiful woman with long raven hair and deep blue green eyes, eyes like mine.

I flipped through the pictures in awe. There was one of her and dad in a cemetery. She wore a black lace Victorian gown with a black lace veil. It looked like a gothic wedding. The raven-haired beauty the gothic bride and my father the groom. Mother was standing next to her holding a bouquet of flowers, was she the maid of honor? That didn't make sense.

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