Chapter Thirty Three

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~Mel's POV~

Enji and Rei were both busy on the day Shoto was supposed to take some supplemental lessons to retake his provisional hero license exam. He'd gotten special permission from school to spend some of his weekends at home and now was stranded with me. I glanced over at his phone as we finished up breakfast and saw him opening some kind of app to summon a car to come get him. I slapped the phone out of his hand, it skidded across the table.

Shoto didn't seem the least bit surprised by my behavior and slowly turned to me with a curious look in his heterochromatic eyes, "something the matter?"

"Why are you summoning strangers?" I frowned as I put our dishes in the kitchen sink.

"I need a ride to school." He pointed.

"Nonsense, I can handle this." I beamed, excited to finally be able to do something somewhat useful. I was growing restless being cooped up in the house.

Shoto frowned, "I think your license is expired."

"Minor details, and besides, I have this." I held up my hero license, "it gets me out of traffic violations."

Shoto shook his head, "isn't that an abuse of power?"

I shrugged, "aren't police abusing their power by making minor traffic citations when there are much bigger fish to fry?"

"The stranger sounds safer." Shoto looked over at his phone.

"What?!" I swatted his phone away again as he tried to pick it up, "haven't you heard of stranger danger?"

Shoto sighed and picked up his phone again. "I don't have time for shenanigans today, Aunt Mel."

I swiped his phone from him and tucked it into the pocket of my grungy jacket, "there's always time for shenanigans, now let's go!" I bolted for the garage.

Shoto followed me, begrudgingly, as I was holding his phone hostage. I knew Enji liked cars and things, he'd been working on restoring a few older models, so assumed I'd find at least one car to drive in the garage. I beamed as I spotted a sleek black motorcycle and tossed Shoto a helmet as he made it to the garage. He struggled to catch it before glancing around the garage curiously. I had a feeling he'd never been here before.

"Aunt Mel, can you even drive that thing?" Shoto asked me warily.

"Only one way to find out." I beamed as I hopped on the bike and patted the seat behind me, "let's go!"

"Stranger with a clean driving record and five-star rating, or my father's wife who's been dead for twenty plus years, has an expired driving license and questionable driving record...hmm...stranger sounds a lot safer." Shoto made a move to turn and walk away.

"Oh, come on, Sho-chan, don't be a sourpuss, live a little!" I giggled.

"I think my chances of living are higher with the stranger..."

"Get on the bike, brat." I growled losing my patience.

Shoto sighed and put on the helmet before climbing on the bike behind me.

"Hold on tight." I grinned as I kickstarted the bike and peeled out of the garage.

"Stranger is definitely safer!" Shoto shouted as he scrambled to get ahold of me so he wouldn't go flying off the back of the bike.

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