f i v e | The Bad Boy's Past

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Aisha's Point Of View°°°

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Aisha's Point Of View

I did not understand why I was not asked before being pulled into this nonsense. I had just had a fight with Varun over this topic. I was sitting on a seat in the garden behind the college building. This was so extremely disgusting! I felt irritated and agitated when I noticed Siddharth Goenka sitting at the other end of the garden, on the ground, smoking. It was weird, because I had not known him to be a man of solitude.

His best friend, Gaurav too did not seem to be around. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Aditi?", I asked softly as I looked up at her.
"Of course, who else? I heard you fought with Varun.", She said as she sat beside me.
"Just forget it. I'm already very irritated.", I said exhausted.
Just then something struck me,
"Aditi, can you tell me why is Siddharth here?", I felt stupid immediately after asking the question. How was she supposed to know?
"I know why he is here.", He said as if she had read my mind.
"You know, Aisha, not many people know about him. They always see him as the Bad Boy and Womaniser which is not quite false.", She paused and drew in a deep breath.
"Siddharth Goenka is not what he looks like, Aisha. He is a good man.", She said as I immediately said,
"Good man? My foot! He ruined my reputation!", I said irritably.
"I understand.", She said and looked at the ground as if in deep thought.
"Fine. Tell me, what is he like in reality?", I asked as she looked up.

"Siddharth hates boxing.", She said, keeping the intrigue continuously.
"Why would he? Men love it.", I said remembering my elder brother who is just obsessed with it.
"Not him. Aisha he has a terrifying past which I don't think you'd want to know. He is not what he makes himself look.", She said as she began with his story.

Siddharth's Point Of View

I sat smoking on the ground. It always gave me comfort, as a tear trickled down my eyes. I was sure nobody was there except a few birds. I looked up at the sky as if in a daze remembering some old memories,

I stood outside my mom and dad's room.
"Enough now! We've spoken enough on this topic, haven't we?", It was mom who said irritably.
"No! I told you that he cannot live here! ", Dad said sounding agitated.
"Please lower your volume. He might be around.", She whispered.
"Let him be! Let him hear that I do not accept him as my son! Tell him that he's here just because Manav had been my friend! ", He said hatefully.
Manav Choudhury was the best boxer in India. He was mom and dad's school friend and often paid visits to us.
I edged closer to the door.
"And he is my son, Yuvraj.", Mom said irritably.
"Yours and Manav's! Exactly! That is what I'm saying. Ask Manav to keep him with himself.", Dad said as I felt the carpet below my feet slip.
"He won't.", Mom said, exhausted.
"Yes, and why not?! Because he is bothered about that reputation of his which is worth nothing! If he has to stay in this house he will have to give up boxing forever!", Dad said as I immediately held my boxing gloves tightly in my hand.
"How is-", before mom could complete I walked in.
Dad noticed me first, wide - eyed.
"Siddharth?", He asked softly.
I walked up to him and gave my boxing gloves to him.
"I will do anything to be with you and mom.", I said.

The cigarette had finished. I pulled out another from the box and lit it. I looked to my side to find two girls sitting at the other end of the garden. I focused to find Aisha Sharma and Aditi sitting and speaking to each other.
I immediately stood up.
Of course we were not supposed to smoke and that Aisha was irritating enough to go and tell the Principal.

I decided to get out of the place immediately but something stopped me as I looked at her from afar.
Who was this girl who made me fear my actions?
I had met such a girl before also and I did not want to give myself in again, but it was weird that a girl who was nothing to me made feel insecure?

Author's Note:
So what do you think about Siddharth now?
A lot more of his past is yet to be unveiled so keep reading..
Tell me in the comments section what you feel about this chapter.



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