t e n | The Rings

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Siddharth's Point Of View

Next morning I woke up to find sunlight pouring into the room. It was around eight in the morning. My match was at five that evening and I so wanted to win it.
I sat up on the mattress and looked blankly at the window opposite to me.
I drew in a sharp breath as I opened a ring that I was wearing. It was an ordinary steel ring with 'A & S' engraved on it.

I merely gazed out of the window as I remembered my past.
Anjali Rai.

"Hey! Sid look that ring's so cute!", She said with a smile as she pulled me towards the Ring Shop.
"Come on Ane, it's an ordinary ring.", I said as I looked down upon that steel ring.
Anjali had cascading brown hair which matched perfectly with her fair skin tone. Her black eyes shone brightly in excitement as we stood looking at the ring.
"It's not! Look it has A and S engraved on it.", She said as she shopkeeper looked at us in confusion.
"I mean really, Ane? You want it just because it has A and S engraved on it?", I said with a sigh.
"Your Romance Quotient is nil, Mr. Siddharth Goenka!", She said irritably.
"Okay fine. Don't get angry and ruin our sky diving today.", I said as I turned towards the shopkeeper.
"Sir, give me that ring please.", I said as Anjali interjected and said,
"Give two rings, please.", She said as she looked at me excitedly.
I sighed.
She and her childish instincts.

We got the rings as we walked out into the beach.
"Now, Mr. Siddharth Goenka hand me the rings.", Anjali said as I handed her both the rings.
She took one and took my hand.
"Now, I declare you my permanent slave forever.", She said with a wink as she put it into my ring finger.
"Of course.", I said with a sigh as I smiled.
"Now, your turn.", She said as I took her hand and said,
"Now, I declare you my permanent mistress, forever.", I said as she hugged me tightly.
"I so love you Siddharth Goenka.", She said as I replied,
"Love you too.."

I immediately returned to the present when Aisha shook me from behind.
"I think you should start practicing a bit. You wouldn't want to lose to Varun, mister.", She said as I immediately wiped off a frail tear down my cheeks.
I cleared my throat and said,
"Why do you care? He is your boyfriend after all.", I said as I stood up.
She was silent. I turned towards her when she suddenly looked away.
"What happened, Aisha?", I asked as she said nothing and walked out of the room.

I was left confused for a while until the screen of her phone kept on the bed lit up. I walked up to it to find a message from Varun,
"I'm sorry we are ending this so fast..", I could not read the rest as her phone was locked.
I drew in a sharp breath and walked out of the room.

Time flew very fast that day because the next time I remember is when I was walking into the arena.
Aisha was present and was preferably sitting in support of me.
I looked at Varun who looked as ferocious as ever.
"I'm sorry but you're gonna die.", She said as the cheers around us begun.
The fight begun.
He punched me hard on my rib as I went a few steps back.
I knew Manav Choudhury sat there looking at the fight. I immediately hit back at him on his face.  He did not fall but punched me on my face. The teeth guard fell out of the arena as I fell.
"Ah! This was easy!", He said with happiness in his voice. I immediately took the teeth guard and put it back as I stood up. The moment I stood up he punched me hard as I fell onto the ropes binding the arena. This was a losing fight.
Cheers for Varun went on increasing as I felt blood flow down my forehead. He smirked confidently at me.
"Siddharth you can do this!", A known voice shouted from the audience as I looked behind.
It was Aisha.
She looked at me confidently.
It looked like it was her fight which I was fighting in the ring in her place.

Varun had lost his concentration as he looked at her in shock. I immediately punched him on his abdomen he took a step or two back. I immediately punched him hard on his face as he lost his balance. I was doing it so fast that he was not getting any time the stop it. I went on punching him on his abdomen until he looked like he would faint any moment. I sealed it with a punch under in chin. He threw his head back and fell.

"Sid!!", The screams rose as Manav Choudhury stood up. His face looked passive. Expressionless.
"That was amazing!", The commentators screamed on their mics as I looked at Aisha.
She looked quite pleased with it. I smiled at her in victory as she did the same.

Author's note
So, how was this?
Tell me in the comments section.
Why do you think Aisha cheered for Sid when nobody else did?

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