f o r t y n i n e | Time Flies, Love Doesn't

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Pihu's Point Of View

The crowd cheered like mad as the man finally walked into the arena.
The Siddhath Goenka.
The national boxing champion, a.k.a. my dad. He looked as handsome and battle hardened as ever as he walked into the arena with his head held high. Everyone say nervously as he punched his opponent hard on his abdomen.
This was just the beginning, I smiled as he immediately racked his body with umpteen punches before knocking him out.

The cheers erupted!
"Sid! Sid!", The audience shouted as the referee raised his hand indicating his victory. Through the crowd his eyes trailed, searching for one face.
I knew whose it was.. it was mine.
He finally noticed me as he smiled, I smiled back at him proudly.

It had been ten years. Exactly, ten years and two days. Dad had marked the date when Aisha mom had left him on the calendar to commemorate his foolery and to love her.
Ten years had changed him. He had given up his interest in family life and women and had gotten into his business development. Now Goenka Companies was the biggest enterprise in India and my dad the richest Entrepreneur. The most eligible man in the country. In his free time he got himself into fighting and boxing and that's how he also became the Boxing Champ.

He had done everything to forget Aisha mom, except actually forgetting her. He would spend nights altogether staring at the sky blankly, drinking alcohol. As of the alcohol part I would snatch it away whenever I saw him with it much to his annoyance but he would never shout on my for that.

I knew he loved me and that had kept him alive all this while, but I also knew somewhere even Aisha mom loved me and why she had left me and him so abruptly was something I still wanted to discover.

"You liked it, didn't you?", Dad said as we walked back to the car.
"Oh it was fabulous, Sid uncle!", Navin piped in holding his father, Varun uncle's hand.
After Aisha mom left Varun and Gaurav uncle had shifted into our mansion. Mainly because dad got the three companies merged to form the biggest company of India and the two other men wished to pursue something else, except business.

Varun uncle his boxing and Gaurav uncle his photography. They had gotten married to their love of life, Naira and Aditi respectively.

"Thank you, Navin!", Dad said as he got into the car and I sat beside him.
"Dad, you know there's a programme-", I was about to say but he completed it,
"And I'm supposed to be the chief guest and distribute prizes tomorrow. I know it Pihu, no reminders required.", He said as I patted him on his back.

Honestly we were best friends.
When he would be depressed or drunk he would sit by my side and rant about how terrible it all had been. I would make him wear his tie everyday because he always managed to get it tangled.

"Okay, so tell me what my darling wants on her sixteenth birthday?", He asked while driving.
Varun uncle and Navin sat on the backseat, chatting about something I still don't know.
As dad asked a question I yearned to say one thing.. My Aisha mom. I so wanted her but somehow there was no clue of her. I sighed and said,
"I don't know. I'll tell you later.", I said as he nodded acknowledging it.

We walked into the mansion to find Naira aunty standing with a welcoming smile.
"So, how's it going Mr. Boxer?", She asked dad who smiled and replied with a 'Perfect'.

He walked up and into his room closely followed by me.
"So, sir you're going off to sleep?", I asked him. It was late at night and I was having my post - exams holidays. We were going to have our prize distribution tomorrow where dad had been invited as the chief guest.
"I guess, Madame.", She said with a smile as he opened his watch and kept it on the dressing table.

Dad was used to sleep with me. Earlier when Aisha mom had left him he would stay awake for nights altogether, he would fall ill but that has mattered very little to him. I had been his sleep fairy and I managed to make him fall asleep. He would not sleep without me just the way I would not without my teddy bear when I was young. After he fell asleep I would quietly get back to my room.

He laid down on his bed as I went and sat beside him.
Ten years had changed the man so much that he was almost unrecognisable. His handsome face was now scarred all thanks to his boxing, he wore diamond studs giving him the hot look. Of course it had been my recommendation to make him wear that and get him to shave.

More than his daughter, I had become his caretaker. He desperately needed it. But I knew somewhere, he still felt for her, for my Aisha mom. And I so wanted to find out where she was..

Author's note:
10 years later..
This is how Sid has changed and how life's going for him.
What do you think about it?

By the way, next chapter Sid will finally meet Aisha, so get ready for high voltage drama!



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