f o r t y | Kiss & Confusion

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Siddharth's Point Of View

I had done such things in a dare before also but when it came to Aisha it suddenly felt different. I felt nervous.
"Come on Sid!", Naira coaxed me as I edged towards Aisha who did not move. Our faces stood just inches apart.
"If you want we can skip it.. I mean..", I stared mumbling.
"Complete your dare! Come on boy!", Varun said as Aisha signalled me in agreement. I slowly pulled her into a kiss, I did not realize when it grew into a deep passionate kiss. We felt like there was no one else but us, lost in our own fantasy..

We parted after a while, when I suddenly realised that even Varun and Naira were there who were cheering like mad.
"Done.. happy?!", I asked as they nodded happily.
"Turn the bottle.", Aisha said immediately.
"Oh of course.", Varun said turning it. It was now Naira's turn to ask Aisha.
"Truth or Dare?", She asked.
"After what you've done.. Truth.", Aisha said immediately as Naira smirked.
"Okay, so do you love Siddhath?", She asked smirking wildly. Aisha immediately started blushing. This was the question to which even I wanted an answer.
"I-I will get some refreshments.", She said immediately standing up as I held her hand.

She turned towards me in shock.
"Answer it.", I said as she gulped nervously, looking at me and then towards Naira.
"Pi-Pihu needs me.", She said immediately getting away from the situation.
"Trust me, Sid, she's shy.", Naira said with a wink.
"Most probably.", I said as they stood up.
We had our dinner, with Aisha shying away all the time.

After they were gone, I walked into my room to find Aisha stand at the balcony looking down.
"What happened?", I asked softly walking up to her.
"No-nothing.", She mumbled putting the frail stand of hair behind her ear.
As she tried to get out of of the room I held her hand.
"You did not answer the question.", I said as she tried to free her hand.
"Siddhath, let me go.. I have-", I placed a finger on her lips as she stood in shock.
"Answer me. Do you love me?", I asked as she immediately freed her hand seeing the opportunity.
"We'll talk later.", She said as she immediately rushed out of the room.
I followed her outside to find her going out into the garden.
I immediately followed her. She went and stood against a tree.

Aisha's Point Of View

What was this new feeling? Or maybe an old feeling, reviving within me. I drew in a sharp breath feeling warmth in my cheeks. Why was it so difficult?

I did not know what was happening to me!
Whenever Siddhath came close to me, whenever he touched me I would feel this sudden increase in my heartbeats, I would start blushing... Why?

Just then I noticed Siddhath standing and looking at me with interest.
He walked up to me as I straightened up.
"I don't want to embarrass you Aisha... It's just that-"
"I know.", I cut him off.
"I know you don't want to embarrass me, I know it but I'm sorry.. I don't know why I feel this.. I am sorry but I'm in confusion about my own feelings.. I-I don't know.. I hate you but I still care for you..", I said completely unsure of what I was saying. I was about to say something else when he placed a finger on my lips.

"Sshh.. Enough.", He said softly as I looked up at him.
"It's okay, now let's go back and take rest. I'm tired.. okay?", He asked softly as I nodded.

After that night we had hardly spoken until my examinations finished. I didn't know why but I would just ignore his presence for no reason, I would stare at him when he was talking to someone else.. all this was so weird and I did not know why I was doing it.

After my exams, one morning I woke up to find him missing from the bed. I immediately sat up, it was eleven thirty at night. I immediately walked up to the door to open it when I realised that I was locked. Suddenly I felt a surge of fear as I struggled to open the door knob.

Author's note:
There you go.. An old feeling in a new form, and all the confusion regarding it..
Tell me if you liked the chapter.

Why do you think Aisha suddenly gets locked in her room?
Where is Sid?

Any guesses?
Tell me in the comments section.


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