t h i r t y e i g h t | Unsaid Feelings

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Siddharth's Point Of View°°°

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Siddharth's Point Of View

I was sitting on a seat in the airport. My flight was in another thirty minutes. I slowly rose as we were being asked to get to the flight. I drew in a sharp breath as I stood, straightening my suit when I heard a certain commotion outside.

"What's happening?", I asked a man who had come from that direction.
"Oh don't bother! It's a woman.. she wants to get in without a ticket. That's it.", He said as I felt a certain tinge. Hopefully it was not Aisha.
Most probably not, why would she do something like that?
She would understand why I was doing this.. it was for her good.

I decided to go when I suddenly heard a voice,
"Siddhath Goenka!", I immediately turned to find Aisha standing in between a bunch of cops trying to pull her out. I couldn't ignore her now. I immediately ran towards her as the cops recognised me.
"Mr. Goenka? You know her.?", One of them asked as I nodded.
"But sir, she's not permitted-"
"I know that sir. We'll sort it out. You need not worry.", I said as they immediately went back to their own works.

Aisha's face was tear smitten as she slowly rubbed off her tears. Before I could say anything she slapped me hard.
"How dare you?!", She shouted at me as I immediately pulled her to a corner.
"Stop creating a scene!", I said with gritted teeth as all the people started looking at us with great interest.

"I'm creating a scene?! Oh really? You can do whatever you want to but I can't?! Why?", She said in suppressed anger.
"Aisha, please.. Stop it. Why are you doing this?!", I asked, nearly shouting as she pulled me by the collar of my shirt, looking extremely angry.
"You can do anything and everything you want.. but I can't? Why?! Don't you see it or are you blind? Don't you understand that I-", suddenly she stopped.
"Yes what?! You what?!", I asked as her face suddenly turned red as she released me collar. As if some kind of realization dawning on her.
"What happened?! Tell me.", I said suddenly guessing the rest of the words.

"No.. nothing. Nothing. You can go! Do whatever you want to do.", She said turning away stubbornly.
I pulled her by her hand as she bumped onto me.
"Complete your statement.", I said as she shut her eyes.
"I hate you.. that's it.", Her voice broke away.
"That's not matching with the previous words, Aisha. ", I said as she looked up at me, tears welling up in her eyes.
"How could you even think of divorcing me? I-I cannot live without you.. without Pihu.. I cannot. But you could leave me so easily, Siddharth. Why? Why do you think I am not happy? I don't need anything, except you. Except Pihu. I need you.", She said as I merely paused and stared at her.

She turned away and walked towards the exit.
"I'm not going.", I called onto her as she looked at me, rubbing off her tears.
"Feeling blessed.", Saying so she turned and walked out.

A smile spread over my face.
Even if she did not complete her statement, I knew it. She did not need to complete it anymore, her face said it all.

I immediately took my luggage and got out of the airport to find her, standing and waiting for me. I walked up to her and turned her towards myself.
"You're very bad.", She said punching me on my chest.
I smiled at her.
"I know, and I'm sorry.", I said as she immediately hugged me.
She started crying bitterly.
"You-you are so annoying..", she mumbled as I tightly hugged her.

Of course, we had accepted our feelings, without saying them.

Author's note:
So finally.. they are in love!!!
Tell me in the comments section what you think about it..
Who do you think will confess love first?



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