-Here we go-

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*beep beep beep*
It's 7:15. I was supposed to wake up at 6:00. Well this days off to a great start.
I wake up and throw on some shitty outfit and grab a banana on my way out of the house. I was about to be late for my first ever audition. After walking for a bit I reached the building. I rushed inside and made my way to the receptionist.
"Hi. I have an audition today for Titanic. My names Elizabeth Connelly" I said, out of breath. After looking through some book she finally replied,
"Right, you're just in time. Walk down that hall and it's the first door to the right"
I walked as quickly and threw the door open. Everyone in the room looked up and I nearly turned around and left. No stop. I thought to myself. You made it this far so get over your dumbass nerves and walk in. I took a deep breath and entered. Everyone had already gone back to rehearsing, so I found a quiet spot and began going over my lines.
"Hey, I just saw you walk in, do you want to run some lines with me?" I nearly jumped, and looked up to see a shy girl with golden brown hair.
"I'm Amelia by the way." She added quietly.
"Oh yeah sure! I'm Elizabeth, you can just call me Beth though." I replied. Amelia settled down next to me and sighed.
"Can you believe we're going to be auditioning next to Leonardo DiCaprio?"
What?! Oh god, I didn't know they already cast jack. And of course it was the heartthrob of the century.
"Oh yeah I know right it's crazy!" I said back. Even through I was completely oblivious.
~ ~ ~

After running lines Amelia finally got called and i seemed to be the only person left. Then, the moment came at last.
"I guess you must be Elizabeth Connelly"
here we go...

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