-Pack Your Bags-

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tomorrow was the day, me and the rest of the cast were going to Rosarito! I was obviously pretty nervous, but i'd get over it. Ive only been on a plane once before in my life so i knew this was going to be fun. Leo was beyond excited. He would constantly talk about how when we got there he was going to dive right into the sea, clothes on and everything. He's a goofball.

I was sitting at home trying to finish up my packing when i heard a knock at the door.

"One Minute!" i yelled. I was sure it was the pizza i'd ordered so i brought a handful of bills to the door and opened it up. Suddenly i felt the money being plucked out of my hand.

"Well someones happy to see me! what is this, like 20 bucks?"

"Leo! Gimme back my money, Thats for the pizza!" I yelled, a little irritated but amused.

"Pizza? Oh this is going to be such a blast!" he said, a wide grin making his face light up.

"Why exactly are you here?" I said, ignoring his previous statement

"To help you pack, of course!"

Am i really going to say no to an offer like that?

No. No i am not.

"Alright come on in" I said with an exasperated sigh, secretly grateful i had some company.

Leo and i spent the entire night packing for about ten minutes and then taking 45 minute breaks, in hindsight it was not the best system but it was definitely the most fun system.

By 3:00 am we had finished, but to be honest we probably only did like 1-2 hours of real work. I decided to change out of my skinny jeans and into some pajamas. I realized i'd packed them up so i left leo for 10 minutes and dug through my bags. I finally found them and got changed. i left my room and looked over at the couch. Leo was fast asleep.

Well i can't just leave him there all cold, i thought to myself.

I picked up a pillow and tucked it behind his head, so his neck wouldn't hurt in the morning, and put a light blanket over him.

"sweet dreams, Leo" i whispered

"sweet dreams Liz' he mumbled back, clearly half asleep.

I slowly crept back into my room and passed out on my bed.

One In A Million- Leo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now