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"C'mon get up Liz!" I heard Leo yell from the kitchen.
"Hey how'd you get in here?" I groaned, hiding under the covers from the bright sunlight.
"The door idiot. Now get up because believe it or not we're late!!" He yelled, sounding slightly stressed.
"What??" I managed to say. "This better not be another one of your pranks DiCaprio." I said while pretty much falling out of bed.
"I wish." He Replied, tossing me a bagel. I managed to slip on some clothes and throw up my hair in a bun to make myself slightly presentable. I grabbed the bagel off my bed and ran to catch up with Leo, who was impatiently waiting at the door.
"Finally!" He exclaimed, laughing a little. "You take forever." I rolled my eyes and followed him down the stairs, not even bothering to wait for the elevator.

A couple minutes later we walked into set, and everyone looked up. "Well well well, look who decided to show up." James said with a chuckle. "You guys are just on time, go get ready with Anthony."
I paused for a second to look up at the huge ship in front of me. They hadn't completely finished, but it was still beautiful.
"Amazing isn't it?" Leo said, next to me.
"Yeah.." I whispered back. I gazed up at Leo, just to find him smiling back at me.
"C'mon lets go!" He laughed, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me along set, just as he had done the first day we got fitted. I shrieked and laughed, tripping over everything and nearly falling on my face too many times.
"Hey! Over here you goofballs." We heard Anthony say. "Leo you go over their to get your costume on, Beth come with me, I'm gonna start on your makeup." He said with a grin. Leo took my hand and gave it a quick kiss, before walking away grinning. I could feel my face turning red, so I walked quickly away to go find Anthony, who had already disappeared into the crowded set.

"Alright everyone, start on my count. One, Two, Three, action !" James yelled. He had decided to do the nude scene first, since the bow of the ship hadn't been completed yet ( which is where he originally wanted to shoot first.)
I walked in, in a loose silk kimono.
"The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a china doll." I said with a slight smile. "As a paying customer, I expect to get what I want." I said, and flicked Leo a dime. He tried to catch it, and failed utterly, knocking down he small table next to him, making us both break out laughing.
"Alright alright, lets try that again." James said, chuckling a little himself. I got back into position. This time Leo caught the dime, and we moved on. He heart was pounding as I slowly slipped off the kimono. Leo started to fidget slightly, but recited his lines just the same.
"Tell me when it looks right to you." I said, trying my very best not to blush, even though that was not exactly something I could control.
Leo told me how to adjust, saying his lines perfectly, aking this look easy.
"I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing." I said, laughing a little.
"He does landscapes." Leo responded, actually turning a bit red. I kept in my laugh, and finished off the scene.
"Cut! Great job everyone. Let's try it one more time, this time a little less giggling you two." James said with a slight smirk on his face.

After a couple more shots, we finally got the scene right. I let out a loud sigh of relief, and was handed a new robe. Leo walked over to me, still blushing a little.
"Nice job Connelly." He said, with a smile on his face.
"To you too, Mr, Dawson." I smirked. We both laughed, and walked off set a little. Leo tossed me his drawing, at which I could not help but laugh hysterically at.
"Hey! It's not thattt bad." He protested, laughing a little.
"Oh yes it is." I said, nearly falling over. Leo punched me playfully in the arm.
"Hey!" I scoffed, and hopped on his back. He walked me over to where the rest of the cast was waiting, both of us unable to stop laughing he entire time.

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