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The past couple of days had been wonderful. Me and the rest of the cast got along fabulously, especially me and Leo. If its not completely obvious by now, i have feelings for him. The thing is, sometimes i think he likes me back, and then i see him flirting with some random girl I've never seen before. I decided that for now, i'd keep my crush to myself to avoid any complications.

Recently we were filming the "I'm flying" scene, and i couldn't help but feel nervous, i mean, i'd done plenty of romantic scenes with leo already, but there was something about this one. It was just so raw, and emotional, not flirty or comedic, just straight emotion. Usually we could laugh about our scenes, but this one was so important, and i honestly don't know why.

After that Leo scene it was around 2-3 am, and Leo and I decided to go for a walk. We usually did stuff like this after filming so it was nothing unusual. As we were walking along the beach he said something I was totally not prepared to know.

"Hey, uh Liz, guess what?" He said to me, sort of shyly.
"What?" I said back.
"I got a date, or I guess, a second date, with this girl I met." He seemed happy, but kind of nervous.
I was shocked, but I wanted Leo to be happy, so I smiled and said
"Congratulations Leo! Is she nice?"
"Yeah, she's really cool, her names Clara."
Wow. I never considered the possibility of Leo getting a girlfriend. I decided that I wanted him to be happy, because as long as Leo's happy I am too.
"That's awesome. I'm really happy for you Leo"
We walked the rest of the way home in silence.
If Leo can find someone, who says I cant?
You know what, I will. I'm going to get myself a boyfriend.
I decided the best place to meet guys would be at a bar, so that's where I went.
Seeing as it was now 4 am, there were a ton of drunk guys there, but one stood out. He wasn't drunk, and he wasn't catcalling me, like the rest of the douchebags there. He just sat, and looked at me. I decided to go for it.
"Hey, mind if I sit?" I said to the guy,
"My names Elizabeth."
"Sure you can sit, and my names Noah. It's great to meet you" he said, motioning to the empty chair next to him.
I sat down and chatted. After about an hour of talking he gave my his number and I gave him mine. We agreed to go on a date tomorrow night. I was excited, I guess, It just felt weird. Kind of guilty. I don't know why, it's not like Leo and I are together. Still, it felt like I was doing something behind his back, and I didn't like it, so I decided to tell him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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