-Up and Away (I thought)-

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes, and was instantly confused. I didn't cook, I sucked at cooking. Who was making pancakes, in my apartment?? Then I remembered last night, and Leo. I stumbled out of my room, my hair a mess and my eyes barley open.
"Well well well, look who's awake." Leo said with a smirk. I yawned and started laughing, remembering last night.
"Since when do you cook?" I asked, still half asleep.
"Uh since always, why, are you surprised?" Leo replied, sounding a bit defensive.
"Aw is someone a little offended.." I said with a little laugh. Leo made a face, making me laugh even harder. Of course he couldn't help but smile as well as he threw chocolate chips at me.
"Hey!" I shrieked, laughing, and walked into the kitchen.
"So what time are we supposed to leave?" I asked sleepily.
"Well about... 10 minutes ago?" Leo said, his eyes suddenly widening.
"WHAT?!" I practically yelled, starting to run back to my room to get ready. We haven't even started filming yet, and I'm behind. I thought to myself angrily. I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, nearly tripping over myself trying to put on shoes.
"C'mon! Leo yelled, carrying his suitcase, tossing me a pancake on the way out," I grabbed my bags and stumbled out of the door, desperately trying to lock the door. I ran down the hallway to find Leo practically lying on the floor laughing.
"What is it you idiot? Get up we're gonna be even more late!" I said in a panicked voice.
"Liz, check the time" he managed to blurt out through bursts of laughter. I quickly pulled out my watch. 7:30. 7:30?? We were supposed to leave in and hour.
"LEO!" I whined and tossed my bag on top of him. This only made him laugh harder.
"You suck." I said, but couldn't help laughing a little.
"C'mon Liz you gotta admit that was pretty funny." I couldn't help but laugh, I don't se how anyone couldn't after hearing him say that.
"Okay lets get back to those pancakes, whatt a you say huh?" Leo said with a smile as he struggled to get up. I sighed and helped him up, and we walked back to my room, still giggling all the way.

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