-Home Sweet Home-

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"Hey, Liz. Liz get up, we landed."
I opened my eyes to see Leo prodding me with his finger.
"Alright, I'm up" I mumbled groggily.
We stumbled into the airport, squinting at the harsh light. It was around 2:00 am, so all of us were barely able to keep our eyes open. There was a train of Mercedes passenger vans waiting to take us to the hotel. Honestly, I'd never felt more glamorous.
A few minutes after loading all our stuff into the vans we got seated, me sitting between Leo and little Alexandrea (who was playing Cora). We all had a blast. Leo and I talked the whole time while Alexandrea tried to stay awake. It was quite funny actually, she kept dozing off and then shooting back up, acting like nothing had happened.
About a 45 minute drive later we made it to the hotel, if you recall earlier on I mentioned that Leo kept joking that he would dive right into the ocean when we got there. It turns out he wasn't joking.
"C'mon!" He shouted at me, waving his arm
"Come where, Leo?" I yelled back, completely confused.
He ran back to me, grabbed my arm and dragged me, yes- dragged me, into the sea. It. Was. Freezing.
"LEO!" I shouted, Absolutely livid.
"Oh come on, this is awesome!" He shot back, clearly oblivious to my anger.
I couldn't stay mad at him for long, but I could get him back. And you can bet I did.
As we were floating around in the water, I snuck up behind Leo and put my hands on his head. I pushed down and dunked him, swimming away before he could pull me down with him.
"You did not just do that" he said, after emerging from the frozen water.
"Oh yes I did. It's called payback."
For a moment there I thought he was actually mad, that is until he lunged at me, dunking me and laughing his ass off while doing it.

Leo and I got out of the water, suddenly realizing everyone else had left, and went to find our rooms. I guess they had been doing a sort of 'first come first serve' thing, because all the best rooms had been taken, leaving me and Leo with the conjoined rooms. We found our way into our rooms, not know omg they were conjoined at first, until Leo stumbled through a door
"I thought that was a closet" he said to himself, clearly confused.
"Huh, guess not, roomy" I said back, playfully winking at him.
We both got ourselves settled, and I was thinking about filming. I realized I would have to do nude scenes with Leo. (A/N; what's about to happen is true, look it up!) I decided that in order to break the ice, I would have to flash him. I was terrified, but also amused at the same time. I put in a robe, and when he came into my room so we could get some food I just opened it. He looked at me for a second, taking a huge gulp of air. All of a sudden I felt a little self conscious until he burst into laughter.

"Well, that's one way to break the ice" he said, clutching his side and gasping for air.
"Like what you see, DiCaprio?" I said jokingly.
"Not too shabby, Connelly" he said back, making me blush.

After a few minutes of laughter we

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