-Up and Away (For Real This Time)-

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"Leo hurry up!" i yelled as i lugged our suitcases out of airport security

"I'm not leaving. This thing took my dollar and i didn't even get my chips!" leo retorted. I looked over to see him staring longingly into the vending machine.

"God Leo, I'll give you two dollars if you get moving!"

Of course that got him going. he ran close behind as i looked for our gate. After a minute of searching i finally found it As i said before id only ever been on a plane once, when i was really little. Its safe to say i was a little scared. We met up with the rest of the cast and all found our seats. I was thrilled to find our that i was sitting by a window, with leo just to my left.

at least i won't be lonely, i thought to myself

We got seated as soon as possible and then just sat there for a bit, waiting for the plane to take off. It was pretty roomy so i wasn't uncomfortable or anything, but i just couldn't sit still. I was so nervous and jittery that i kept tapping my fingers bouncing my leg.

after a second i realized leo was looking at me. Suddenly embarrassed i stopped fidgeting and apologized.

"it's okay. You nervous?" He said, looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes

"Im fine." i said quickly, trying to change the subject.

Suddenly i felt water splash against me cheek. I knew who it was without even having to look up. This guy's asking for it, i thought. All of a sudden i felt myself flick water back at him. The fight escalated and ended with me nearly pouring whole bottle of water on his head, but seeing as we're currently midair, i refrained. for now.

After a couple hours of talking with leo an running lines i found myself getting tired. Leaning my head to rest on Leo's shoulder, i dozed off.

One In A Million- Leo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now