-Day One-

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After going over my lines all night i got up to go to my very first costume fitting! It was still so surreal to me. I am one of the lead roles in a movie. I could barely contain my excitement as I walked through those big doors.
"Well hello there Liz!"
I only know one person who calls me Liz, I thought to myself. I looked over my shoulder to see Leo, running to me in full costume. I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey Leo! I got the part, can you believe it?" I shouted over the husky and bustle of people rushing to get changed.
"Of course I can believe it! You were amazing yesterday"
Oh. My. God.
"Hey listen, I can walk you around and show where everything is if you've got time."
"Yeah that would be great thanks!" I could not stop smiling. Leo grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowds of people getting into costume.
"Slow down!!" I managed to say through bursts of laughter. We both stopped running, panting and laughing our asses off.
"All right all right you two, Beth we need you over here to start getting fitted." Said Anthony, (the costume designer) snickering. I held out my hand dramatically to Leo and he did the same, and I was walked away.
"Okay so just to let you know what's going on..." Anthony was talking to me, but I wasn't able to listen. All I could think of was Leo.
"Got it?" Anthony's voice snapped me back to reality.
"What??" I said sounding absolutely idiotic. Great. Your first day and you can't even listen to a simple schedule without zoning out.
"Oh honey this is gonna be fun" Anthony chuckled. We wandered around, trying on more outfits than i had ever tried on in a matter of hours. Crazy tight dresses, and beautiful loose gowns. Right as we were headed to try on one more outfit someone grabbed my arm and i nearly screamed. I turned around to see Leo laughing hysterically.
"Really gotchu there huh?" He finally got out.  I punched him playfully on the arm but couldn't help laughing with him. His laugh was absolutely contagious.
After about one more hour of costume fittings and makeup trials I finally had some time to rest before dance classes. Leo and I raced to the crafts table to grab some food, and of course he got there first seeing as I was missing a shoe.
"Oh come on! That's not fair, I don't have a shoe on!"
"Hey, I won fair and square loser" he shot back. I punched him and started laughing hysterically after the face he made.
"Hey that kinda hurt!" He whined, but couldn't help from laughing as well. We just stayed there, falling over like idiots unable to stop laughing, and I loved every single part of it.
"Everyone! Come over here to wrap up!" James yelled across the room. I jumped up on Leo's back laughing, and he carried me across, almost dropping me multiple times.

One In A Million- Leo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now