-The Audition-

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I walked in the audition room with my head down. Too nervous to look up, but then I heard someone
"Alright we're gonna need you to stand on that red mark," James, the director said to me, pointing at a red 'x' on the floor,"and you can start from line 99"
"Hey, I'm Leo. I'll be playing jack, it's great to meet you."
This boy. Is beautiful.
I could barely speak at that point so I just stammered out a
"You too, I'm Elizabeth"
Geez Elizabeth learn how to speak
"Alright folks quiet down," James said' "And scene"

"I'm flying!"
I exclaimed, getting ready for what was about to happen  
"Come Josephine, in my flying machine"
He sang into my ear. Our hands clasped around each other's.
Our lips met as a grabbed his neck, pulling his face closer to mine...
"Scene! That was amazing! The chemistry! Unbelievable!" James yelled. I laughed at his giddyness,
"Nice job Elizabeth" Leo said to me. I couldn't help but stare into his blue eyes.
"Thanks, You too! But you can call me Beth you know."
I never really get called Elizabeth so I just pointed it out.
"How about, Liz? Can I call you Liz?"
"Sure that works too," I said grinning. He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Well you two, time to say goodbye." James called out.
"Thank you so much." I said while giving James a quick hug.
"Thank you Elizabeth, and we'll call you with results tomorrow." He said before waving as I walked out the door. I took one more glance at Leo as our eyes locked for a split second, and left.

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