Roommate ~ Fluff

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New York City. I had just gotten off the plane from my hometown back in the Caribbean. I wrote my way out of that small town. There was nothing left for me there; no family, no friends, not even a home. All I could do was write. Apparently people thought I had potential, so they saved up money and shipped me off to New York. Today was my first day attending Kings College. I hope to make the people who helped me proud of what I will become. Hopefully making friends won't be too hard.

I arrived at the front gate of Kings. Time to start a new life, I thought to myself as I approached the front desk. The lady sitting there looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello, how can I help you? I'm Martha" she said politely.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, a new student attending here?"

"Ah yes, I heard you would arrive today. Well, here's your schedule, a map of campus, and your dorm key!"

"Thank you," I said while taking the items from her. I scanned over my schedule and the map, then checking the label attached to the dorm key. Room 1776. I began to walk towards the dormitories while looking down at the map. Not looking where I was going, I bumped into something, or rather someone.

"Watch it, short ass!" The man looked down at me. He was about half a foot or so taller than me. He had darker skin and an afro, with some facial hair. He was wearing the ugliest magenta coat I had ever seen, and the scowl on his face wasn't helping much either.

"Sorry, I was trying to get to my dorm room. I'm new?" I said, maybe hoping he would help me, and that he just came off rude at first. I was wrong. He just scoffed and shoved me away, heading in the opposite direction. Hairy kiwi, I thought as I walked towards the dorm building.

As I walked through the building, I scanned each door to see the numbers. 1773, 1774, 1775, ah here it is! 1776. I was about to knock when I realized, this is my dorm, I have a key. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with the face of probably the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He had long, curly brown hair tied up in a ponytail. He was a few inches taller than me. His tan skin had freckles splattered all over, looking like stars in the night sky. His brownish-green eyes shone in in the sunlight, so deep that if I fell in I could never get out again. He was wearing a grey-blue hoodie with a light green shirt underneath. And damn was he gorgeous. I then realized I had been staring when he started speaking. I stepped in and blushed, looking down and then up at him.

"Umm, hi?" He said. "I'm John Laurens, you must be my new roommate I'm assuming?" John Laurens, what a beautiful name...

I cleared my throat and met his gaze. "A-Alexander Hamilton," I said, holding out my hand for a handshake. He gladly accepted and shook my hand. I entered the dorm, pulling the small suitcase I had behind me.

I entered the bedroom and put my things down on the empty bed. John trailed behind me, going over to sit on his bed across the room. His side of the room had sketchbooks scattered all over, as well as a small tank that had what looked like a turtle in it. His bed had light blue sheets covering it, as well as multiple pillows, one having birds on it and another with various reptiles. He had various posters on the wall from different musicals. I recognized them as Dear Ben Platt, Be More Chill, Heathers and Rent. There were also some others that I didn't recognize.

"So Alexander, do you need help unpacking or something?" He asked, getting up and coming closer to me.

"I- um, sure...?" I said, coming off more as a question than an answer.

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