Militant ~ Fluff

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I was at home with my children, Philip and Frances. My husband, John, had been in the military for over two years. We all missed him greatly. I would tell the hundreds of stories I had to the kids about their father and how amazing he is. Philip had only been two when John left for the military, therefore barely knowing him. Frances was six, hence knowing and missing him more. John would write to us whenever he was able to, describing all the 'adventures' he had. Whenever a letter arrived, we'd be overjoyed. I miss him so much.

~Three Months Later~

A new letter would arrive monthly. This month, however, we didn't receive anything. I immediately became worried as to what could've happened. Is he injured? Did he not make it back to camp grounds? Could he be... dead? I shuddered at the thought, my eyes beginning to gloss over. "Are you okay, pops?" Frances asked from beside me.

"Yes, dearest. I'm just a little worried is all." I plastered on a smile, looking over at her. Just as she was about to reply, the doorbell rang. I opened the door, only to be greeted with the face of Hercules Mulligan, and his and Lafayette's son, Georges. "Hey, Herc."

"Hola, mon ami. What's gotcha so down?"

I stepped aside letting them in. "That was a weird mix between Spanish and French... but we haven't received word from John yet this month," I said with a frown.

"I'm sure he's fine, but! I- or rather we, got you guys something. Laf will be coming with it later though."

"Thank you, you don't have to ge-"

"UNCLE ERC!" I was cut off by Philip coming down the stairs and hugging Herc.

"Hi Pip," he smiled down at him. "Your— uncle Laf's coming later. Why don't you go play with Georges in your room?"

He nodded and ran off, taking Georges' hand. "So, what brings you here, other than this 'gift' you speak of?" I asked, Frances sitting next to me.

"Honestly, Georges wanted to play with Pip, so I brought him along. Main reason is the gift, though," he said, just as he got a message on his phone, glancing at it. "Speaking of which, Laf is here with it now."

"Frances, can you go get the boys?" I ask. She nods and runs off, soon arriving back with Philip and Georges trailing behind her.

The doorbell rang, Herc going to answer it. There stood Laf, empty handed. He had a huge grin on his face, stepping aside. Then came into view, John Laurens himself. "J-John?" I stood up and rushed over, throwing myself into his arms. Tears begun to stream down my face. I felt Frances hugging both of us from the side. I soon pulled back, just to pull him into a deep kiss. "Oh dios mío, John you had me so worried, you're finally home!"
We pulled away from each other, but still beside one another.

He bent down, hugging Frances tightly. Philip was still standing there confused. "You two have gotten so big, come here Philip," he motioned him over, crouching down to reach Philip's height.

"Pip, it's Papa, he's back from the army!" Frances said, still clinging onto John. Philip went from confusion to happiness, running over to hug John.
We all sat there in a big group hug, surrounding John. I didn't leave his side all day.

Once the others had left and we put the kids to bed, John and I caught up on life together. We were cuddled up on our bed, watching Netflix. "How was the military?" I asked, looking over at him.

"It was... well, as good as the military could be, I guess. It was so lonely without you, though." He leaned down a bit to peck my cheek. I giggled a bit, a blush appearing on my face. "We've been married for so many years and you still act like we've just started dating."

"How have I not seen you in over two years and you still act the same?"

"Two years... I'm so sorry for leaving you and the kids for so long, Pip could barely remember me! I'm such a horrible husband and dad for leaving..." he frowned, his eyes becoming glossy.

"Baby, it's okay, you're here now, and that's what matters," I say, bringing his lips to mine. "Now just never leave again."

"I won't, I promise. I love you, Alexander Hamilton-Laurens."

"I love you too, John Laurens."


A/N: kinda too short but I was watching a lot of the reunion videos so I did this
And no Hammy didn't cheat while John was away bc he loyal ùwú
755 Words

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