Duel ~ Angst/Fluff

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Requested by @DaugterOfTheKing
Changed slightly just to be sad yknow
So yeah death... lesgo


He was going to duel Aaron Burr. And there was nothing I could do to stop him. I could only watch him die from afar. I knew that he wouldn't fire at Burr, rather shoot in the air or miss him purposely. Burr, of course, did not know this. So when he saw Hamilton raising his gun, he fired. The bullet seemed to move in slow motion as it came towards Alexander. He fired in the air. I tried to block the bullet, I really did. I tried to warn him, but he couldn't hear or see me. I attempted jumping in front of the bullet, but it just went right through me. It hurt. So, so bad. He fell to the ground, bullet lodged right between his ribs. Doctors rushed to his aid, taking him and rowing him back across the Hudson. He was near death, bleeding uncontrollably. His face was slowly draining of color, as he slipped from the fingertips of life.

I rushed back up to the gates of heaven, only to be met with his son, Philip. "Your father will most likely be joining us soon, Pip," I told him quietly, my eyes glossing over. He looked down and nodded. I felt so bad for dear Elizabeth, such a gentle soul having to handle another heartbreak. I was somewhat happy however, being able to see him again. This time though, he'd be able to see me too.

Philip and I rushed down to be at his side as he passed. They were all in great pain, physically or emotionally. "Remember, my Eliza, you are a Christian," he muttered, almost inaudibly. His hand in Eliza's went limp as he took his final breath. His soul slipped from his lifeless body, watching sadly as the others cried over his corpse. He turned around, greeting us with tears threatening to spill.

"Pa..." Philip whispered, rushing over to hug his father. They stood there embracing each other and quietly speaking to each other before turning to me.

"My dearest Laurens, it has been too long," he said, walking towards me. My eyes were glossy as I opened my arms, motioning for a hug. Instead of what I expected, he wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me longingly. "I have missed you, John," he whispered once we had separated. Philip stood there gaping at his father and I. My face flushed pink as we pulled away from each other.

"Well, we should probably get going now... I advise you say your final goodbyes, as they can likely still feel your presence, newly passing." I told Alexander. He embraced his wife one last time before turning to us and nodding, signaling he was ready. We began to drift away back to the pearly gates. "The others are waiting for you, Alexander."


A/N: really short chapter just cause I can. Changed it so they all die just to be slightly historically accurate (those were apparently his final words btw)
I also gave up on indenting cause it's too much work uwu
487 Words (w/o A/N)

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