Snow [Lams] ~ Fluff

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I had recently moved in with my best friend, Alexander Hamilton. He had just moved from the Caribbean about a year ago. We immediately hit it off and started talking more, becoming very close. We found out we were going to the same college, and being fed up with our roommates, we decided to move in together in an apartment not too far away. I eventually started to develop feelings for him, which might not be the best thing as it could ruin our friendship.

School had been let out for winter break, so we had no classes. I wanted to sleep in before I was rudely interrupted from my slumber by my roommate screaming. I groaned and got up to see what all the commotion was about. "Lex? What's wrong? Why're you screaming?" I walked into the living room to see him huddled in his blanket on the couch.


"Lex, the heat is up to 80°(F), it's boiling in here!"

"No I'm dying help John," he drew out his words dramatically, while motioning me over. "How are you not cold?"

"I guess I'm just naturally hot," I smirked, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"That's true..." he muttered, almost inaudibly but still loud enough to hear. He cupped his hand over his mouth, face a dark red. "I mean— ugh, just come here I'm cold."

I walked over and sat next to him, huddling into me as soon as I sat down. "It's not that bad, Alex. It's just snow, it won't kill you."

"Yes it will! I could get hypothermia or something!"

"You'd have to stay outside for a long time without proper clothes for that to happen. You're not gonna get hypothermia, Lex."

He groaned and buried himself into my chest, making a blush appear on my face. Platonic, right?

After about an hour of cuddling and Alex complaining about the cold, he finally spoke up about something other than the weather. "Hey John, can I tell you something?"


"Um... John I—," he paused. "Ireallylikeyou," He said hurriedly, looking away in embarrassment.

"Y-you what?" He couldn't like me back that way, could he?

"I-I like you a lot a-and this will probably ruin our friendship— I should go now, t-the snow, dammit, I-"

I cut him off by pulling him closer and pressing our lips together. He let out a squeak from surprise but eventually melted into the kiss. He slowly relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. We stayed that was for a while, eventually breaking apart cause, y'know, you need air to survive. "I like you too, Lex."

He smiled and cuddled in closer to me. "So what does this make us? Are we like, a thing?"

"We're everything. Now, let's go out in the snow, shall we?"

"HELL no."

"Too bad, c'mon get dressed, we're going out."

He groaned and got up, heading to each our own bedrooms to get dressed. I put on my winter attire and went out to see Alex in a giant bundle of clothing. "You're gonna overheat in that, it's not that cold Alexander."

"Yes it is! Two coats and multiple sweaters are needed, it's way too cold." I sighed and walked over to him, taking at least one coat and a sweater off him. "Now I'm gonna freeze to death, John." I smiled down at the shorter man, taking his gloved hand and pulling him out the door.

"See? It's not that bad," I said once we had gotten outside. Somehow, even under multiple layers of clothing, he still claimed to be freezing. After living in New York for so long, I had gotten used to it. I only had a sweater, winter coat, a scarf, hat and gloves on while he had a winter coat, multiple sweaters, extra thicc pants, gloves, hat, and at least two scarves. He even had his hood up. "You definitely overdressed."

"No I didn't. Now, can we go to the café now? I need coffee." I laughed and took his hand and walked to the nearest coffee shop. There was a Starbucks right around the corner from the apartment building so it didn't take long.

We stepped inside, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filling our noses. We sat at a table near the window, I soon getting up to order. "Laf? I didn't know you work here."

"Well, I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Laurens, yet here we are! You and Alex, huh?" He smirked, French accent prominent. I blush dusted my cheeks. "Since when, and what are you ordering?"

"Um... e-earlier today, and a black coffee and a peppermint mocha, please."

He nodded, still smirking. I paid and went over to the table to see Alexander speaking with a girl. She was blushing a bit. "Hey Lex, who's this?" I say as I take my seat next to him.

"Elizabeth Schuyler," she replied, a slightly fake smile on her face as she looked at me. "So, Alexander, I-I was wondering... d-do you want to g-go on a date sometime?"

I felt anger bubbling in me before Alex responded. "I'm sorry Eliza, but I already have a boyfriend." Her face dropped and looked at me with anger in her eyes, though not expressed on her face. I simply smiled and took Alexander's hand in mine.

"Oh, ok... I'm sorry for being intrusive, I-I should go," she said, walking out of the coffee shop, putting her jacket on first.

About a minute later, our names were called. Once we got our coffees, we sat there  talking for about an hour. Three coffees (each) later, we finally got up to leave. We ventured out into the cold once again. I convinced Alex to go with me to the park after much convincing. As we were walking, I took a handful of snow and made a snowball(while Alex wasn't looking). We continued walking until I suddenly stopped.

He walked a few more paces before stopping and turning around. "What's wrong? Why'd you stop?" I smirked and threw the snowball at him. It hit him right in the face. "AGH! WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" He exclaimed while wiping snow off his face. I giggled and took some more snow. "What're you doing?"

"Making a snowball," I smirked. He began taking some snow, making more of a snow-lump. He threw in at me, his aim and strength being better than I thought. We began having a full on snowball fight that lasted about 20 minutes.

"Ok! I give up, you win," he said, flopping down on the snow. I smiled victoriously while going over to help him up.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" His face lit up and we got to work. After about an hour in the park total, we finally decided to head home (snowman being completed). We walked closely, trying to keep the bit of heat we had left.

We got home, taking our soaked clothes off. "That was fun. Was that like, our first date?" He questioned.

"If you want it to be, then sure."

"I know it's a little early into the actual relationship, but I love you, John."

"I love you too, Alexander."

What a snow day.


A/N: yay more lams
May or may not have been Heathers, Rent Live and Frozen references (though the Rent movie was better)
Part 2 of Autumn will be our soon
1234 words

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