Autumn (Frozen II) ~ Fluff/Angst

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Ok so this is gonna be my own plot of Frozen 2 (based on the trailer and the bit of other info released) #GiveElsaaGirlfriend


Ever since the whole freezing-over-Arendelle thing, I've been able to control my powers a lot better. I've been able to be more open about who I am. Of course, I still have my secrets. They don't need to know it all. Though I do want to tell people about me, I am still somewhat afraid of their judgement. I'll just wait until I find them. I still wonder what my parents would think of me. What if they were still alive? They never found them, anyway. They could still be out there, hiding from the cruel, cold world outside. But, we can only hope. Or maybe something could be done...

It's decided. We're heading out to see if they're still out there. Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and even Olaf (he begged me to let him join; I initially declined but he wouldn't give up) will be joining me. A few guards will accompany us too, to make sure we aren't harmed in anyway.

Once we'd set off, everyone was already quite anxious at the possibilities. We could either find nothing, find them (dead or alive), or even get ourselves killed. There's more beyond the kingdom and its mountains, there's more out there.

We had been traveling for over a week now, resting temporarily in secluded areas for the night. We had found a clearing in a small forest near the sea to stay for the night. We had to stay near the ocean anyway, having a boat near. I decided that if we were going to live in these circumstances I'd need to be tougher. I needed to work on the control of my powers, possibly having to use them for safety if something were to happen mid-sea. I tied my hair back, preparing myself. It was past midnight and everyone else was asleep. I left a note saying where I was in the small tent I was staying in. I began to head towards the beach area. It was open enough to give me a running start. I began running towards the sea, drawing my hands forward in preparation of using my powers. I shot an ice slope ahead of me into the water as I was running. I ran onto it, more ice forming beneath my feet. That's when I realized the big wave coming towards me. I continued on forwards, the ice breaking beneath me. The anxiety overwhelmed me, preventing me from using my powers. I was too focused on the situation ahead to realize the ice slipping from beneath me. I fell into the water. Everything went black.


I woke up the next morning confused. Elsa wasn't in her "bed". I found a note by her beside, from a Miss Elsa of Arendelle. It said:

     "Dear Anna,
I went to the nearby sea to practice on my powers. I feel that if we are to thrive this way, self defense and proper control of my power would come useful. The world is a dangerous place, defense is a necessity. I should return by morning, if not, I will likely still be on the beach. I will return. If I'm not back by sundown, please find me.
                                           Sincerely, Elsa"

She still isn't here, so I assume she's at the beach? As I headed over there, I began to worry. What if she's not there? No, she has to be.

I finally reached the beach, only to see half-melted shards of ice along with big puddles. I began looking around frantically, calling her name. Elsa was no where in sight. I ran back to the campsite to inform the others.

"Elsa's gone missing." They all stared at me wide-eyed, fear an worry in their eyes. Kristoff was the first to speak up.

"What do you mean 'missing', An?" He walked closer to me, a worried expression on his face.

"I mean missing! She's not in her tent or at the beach or anywhere around here! She left me a note saying she was going to practice her powers and self defense and stuff at the beach and it said she'd return by morning or else she be at the beach but she's not there and-"

"Anna calm down. We'll find her, we just have to look harder. Um, everyone split up. Or go in small groups," Kristoff said, cutting off my rambling and giving me a light squeeze.

Kristoff and I set off to look around the beach, some guards went to look around the forest, and Olaf and Sven went looking around the campsite (since they couldn't really do much else). We began looking around the entire beach, not splitting too far away from each other.

It had been nearly two hours of searching for Elsa, eventually giving up on looking on the beach to near with the others. We headed back to the campsite where everyone else was already waiting. "Did any of you find a trace of her?" I asked, attempting to remain calm.

"I apologize Miss Anna, but she was no where in the area. We searched several times, though being unsuccessful," one of the guards said. "I think it would be best to pack up and search beyond this island. If the waters took her, she could have been able to swim to land. Let's pray that that is the case, and find her."

I nodded, feeling tears begin to flow down my cheeks. Kristoff wiped them away with his thumb, holding me close. "We will find her, I promise."

~Part 2 Coming Soon~

A/N: no actual gay yet but I'm really excited for frozen 2 so here's it with my own plot(cuz idk)
Part 2 will have le gay
951 words

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