Movies ~ Fluff

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Requested by @mialani13
Not really lemon so no sinning today
TW: slightly smexual themes (not really tho)


We had decided on going to the movies today. This was a monthly, sometimes weekly thing my friends and I did. Whenever there's a new movie released, we'd go see it. Now normally I'm not nervous in these situations, but today was different. Herc and Laf were inviting a friend whom I'd never met. You're probably like,'oh John that's great! You'll make new friends!' I'd normally agree, but you see, being a raging homosexual, in the way they described him just made him sound really hot. And now that I've seen him in person, my theory has been confirmed true. He was around 5'7" with dark shoulder length hair. His eyes were a sparkling brown that seemed to also have a hint of blue in them. He spoke passionately with a flirtatious undertone(seemingly directed towards me). Alexander Hamilton.

As we walked in and got our tickets, we started talking and getting to know each other. Apparently Herc and Laf had told him all about me. He was flirting with me a lot, making my face a permanent shade of red. We eventually decided that they'd go to find us seats and I got the popcorn and soda, but Alexander insisted that he stayed with me.

Alex continued to flirt while in line. It seemed like he was trying his best to arouse me, and it also seemed to be working a bit which was NOT a good thing.  Luckily it was very quickly I calmed down, though he still continued. At some point I began to flirt back, which caused a flush to appear of his face. This continued until we reached the front of the line. We ordered two of the large popcorns(to share) as well as a soda for all of us.

We made our way into the theater and took our spots next to them. As Alexander was passing me my soda, he "accidentally" spilled some on my lap. He seemed to be aiming near my crotch, which he thankfully missed.

"Oops! Sorry John, let me get that for you," he said with a smirk. He took a napkin and was about to press it to my thigh just as I snatched it from him

"No thank you, Alexander, but I can do it myself." He pouted as I began to clean up the spill. Herc and Laf looked at us questionably, but decided to shrug it off as they turned their heads back towards the screen to watch the trailers for upcoming movies.

"Y'know, John, although only knowing you for about an hour or two, it feels we've known each other longer," he whispered, leaning over to me.  "I don't know how I'd never seen such a beautiful face." The movie had already started, so he kept his voice as hushed as possible.

"It does feel that way, doesn't it?" I whispered back. "But, I do advise you quit the flirting if you don't want us to get kicked out of the theater."

Throughout the movie, Alex seemed to move closer to me; despite the seats being too slim to really move anywhere. The movie progressed onto the sad scene™ and I saw silent tears slipping from his eyes. My eyes glossed over too, especially when (insert character here) died. His hand slowly slithered into mine. He looked away embarrassed as I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks. He slowly leaned in and rested his head on my shoulder, both of our faces dark red. I tensed at first, but eventually relaxed and laid my head against his. We stayed that way for the rest of the time until we were rudely interrupted by the lights being turned on, signaling the end of the movie. We separated quickly, realizing the position we were in. Lafayette snickered while Herc attempted to take a picture of us, luckily not being fast enough.

"Ok, mon gays, let's get going before they force us out," Laf said, smirking.

We all nodded and got up collecting our stuff. Alexander and I still had an apparent blush on our faces. Laf took off pulling Herc along behind him as soon as we got outside, leaving us before we could even reply to their quick 'bye's. This of course left only Alex and I.

"So, John, I was wondering... ifyou'dliketogoonadatewithme?" He said hurriedly, his face becoming a dark red.

"I'd like that," I smiled at him, also feeling a blush spreading across my face. "How about... tomorrow, 6 o'clock? We could go get dinner and just relax after that, if you'd like."

"That'd be nice." We began leaning closer until I could feel him breathing on my face. I decided close that space as I pressed our lips together. He reciprocated the action almost immediately, putting his arms around my neck, attempting to deepen the kiss. We eventually pulled away, realizing we were still in public. "Wanna go to my place?" He asked, smirking.

"Sure, but only cuddling so calm yourself."

He pouted a bit before taking my hand and leading me to his car. We drove to his apartment complex and headed up to his small one-bedroom apartment. It was a bit messy, but clean enough to live in. We ended up ordering pizza and watching any musicals we could easily find while cuddling on his couch. I decided to sleep over and due to the unlucky circumstance of there only being one bedroom, I could either sleep on the couch or with him. We ended up sleeping together in his bed after much arguing of who sleeps where.

The next day we went to dinner and he asked me to be his boyfriend.

Five years later I asked him to marry me.


A/N: yay happy endings
It all escalated so quickly idek
961 words

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