New ~ Fluff

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High school AU because I can
(Historical Appearances for only Alex and John but modern AU)


I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear, signaling the start of a new day. I lazily slammed the 'snooze' button. Five more minutes, I thought to myself as I buried myself deeper into my pillow. Just as I was about to drift of yet again, I realized what day it was. School! I jumped out of bed, preparing myself for my first school day. I had recently moved here from a small island in the Caribbean, after being left orphaned and penniless. I had read all the books that were in the small shop I worked in, hence being educated without proper schooling. I had used what I had left to write my way out of the small town. I had written of the hurricane that had hit and killed most of my town and what I've been through. Some may have called it a sob story, but it had been good enough to make it to the newspaper. The people of Nevis had been so moved by it that they'd sent me off to New York on full scholarship, finding a high school that I could attend in the teenage years I had left. My apartment was owned by my previous guardian from back in the Caribbean, though I was on my own as soon as I graduated. So here I was, in a small apartment on my own in New York. From my knowledge, they had also concluded I skip a grade, now being a year younger than all of my to-be classmates.

I got ready for the day to come, packing my bag and taking my phone from the charger. Combing through my curly red hair as I brush my teeth, deciding I'd like to be early today. I made myself a quick sandwich to eat on the way, having to walk some distance. I saw a group of girls getting into a seemingly expensive car in front of a rather large house, nearly a mansion. I hope they're not snobs if they go to the same school as me.

I eventually made it to the gates of Miranda High School. Making my way in, I saw a group of boys hanging out in the courtyard. They were laughing at something one of them said. Though, only one of them really caught my eye. A tall boy with blond hair tied up on the back of his head, and from what I could see, bright blue eyes. Catching my attention in more than one way...

I realized I'd been standing there for a while, my face tinting pink and I continued my walk to the main office. Once I reached the door, I stepped in, being greeted by a woman sitting at a desk. "Hello, how can I help you?" The woman said. She wore a name tag reading 'Mrs. Washington' on it.

I stepped closer and cleared my throat. "My name is Alexander Hamilton, I just transferred here?"

"Ah yes! Well, sit down here, I'll call for someone to show you around. In the meantime, here's your schedule," she said sweetly. She dialed a number on the phone on her desk, asking for someone. Soon enough, the door opened, revealing a dark-skinned bald boy in a preppy outfit. He walked in with a small smile plastered on. "Hello Aaron. Could you show Alexander around? He's new to the school. Being at the top of your class, I assumed you'd be of use."

"Of course," he turned to me. "Aaron Burr, sir," he held out his hand to shake.

Taking it, I responded with, "Alexander Hamilton, just you wait, sir." I smirked. He looked confused, a hint of anger in his expression. He guided me out the door, waving at Mrs. Washington.

"So Alexander, what class do you have now?"

"Um, history with Mr. Washington."

"Great," he mumbled. "Well, we have the same class, so just follow me, I guess."

We soon arrived, Mr. Washington greeting me and introducing me to the class. "And you can sit," he scanned the room, "Next to John." The same blond boy I saw in the courtyard earlier waved, motioning me over.

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