Final Call ~ Angst

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TW: d e a t h
Prepare to be sadness?


I woke up, chained to a post in what seemed to be some sort of room. The few memories I had of the previous night came flooding in. I was at a local bar with my fiancé, Alexander. Alex had left to use the bathroom when a tall, slim man approached me. He began to flirt with me, telling me to follow him. I declined, but he continued to pester me about it. I told him to leave, then feeling something poke my arm. Everything went black.

Now I'm here, chained up to something with some sort of tape covering my mouth. "Ah, so you're finally awake," the same man from last night said, approaching me. I noticed the gun in his hand, eyes widening and attempting to get away. "You can't get rid of me that easily, John, was it?" I nodded slowly, slightly shaking from fear. "Well John, sorry to say but you won't be on this earth much longer." My eyes widened and my face paled. As he walked closer, I attempted to scream, coming out more muffed due to the tape. He laughed slightly, still walking closer. "However, you can make one final call, can't be the police though, as you'd die immediately. So, who'll it be?" He handed me a phone, not being able to reach for it due to the chains. He ripped the tape off my mouth, immediately replacing it with his hand. "Scream, you're dead, try to fight back," he held up the gun, "you're dead." The chains were separated just enough to hold the phone. "Well, you have 30 minutes to make your call, after that, goodbye forever." He left the room. There was a one way mirror, evidently, so he could monitor my call.

I dialed the number into the phone, being answered quickly after two calls. "Hello?" He said.

"H-hi Lex..." my voice was raspy from the screaming.

"John! Where are you? Where'd you go while I was in the bathroom? Oh, you had me so worried. Are you on your way home?" He had worry lacing his voice heavily.

"I— no, I-I won't be c-coming home..."

"W-what do you mean?" He sounded like he was on the verge of tears, while the waterworks had already started on my end.

"This i-is my l-last call, Alexander. I- he's going to..."

"To w-hat?" His voice cracked.

"He... a gun... this is the last call I c-can ever m-make, h-he's gonna k-kill me, Lex. I h-have half an hour left, please u-understand, I'm scared." I could hear him sobbing on the other end, making more tears spill from me. "I l-love you, Alexander. P-please make this last call c-count?"

"I love you so much, John. D-do you know w-who t-took you?"

"L-last night, h-he said his n-name was... Francis, K-kinloch, I th-think. But there's nothing y-you can do, please just m-make this c-count."



"O-okay... I l-love you John, please don't leave me you're all that's right about this broken world, John I n-need you! I can't live w-without you..."

"For the time I have left, c-can we think of happy memories?"

"Of c-course, love. Um... h-how about, the proposal?"

"Heh, y-yeah... you could barely get the 'yes' out, w-we we're both crying... I love you, I wish it d-didn't have to e-end this way."

"John, p-please, I n-need you home... I— it's getting worse, the depression... and I don't think I'd be able to go on without you, please j-just come home alive, J-John..."

"I want to... but I-I'm chained up, and h-he'll kill me if I call the police, cherish the last time I have..."

"John," He began sobbing uncontrollably, barely being able to utter a word, "h-how ab-bout that t-time we c-confessed s-sen-ior year? W-we were playing..."

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