Light My Candle ~ Fluff

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Christmas Eve was coming to an end. I haven't had much money recently, so I haven't been able to pay rent. The light and heat was off, so all I could rely on was the single candle I carried.

On my way back to my apartment, I noticed a man. I recognized him as the man who lived upstairs. He was quite charming if I do say so myself. His curly brown locks bounced slightly as he made his way up the final few steps and into his apartment. Wanting to know him, I blew out my candle as I made my way up to his door.

I knocked, him answering soon after. "What'd you forget?" He asked, looking down at me, thinking it would be his friends.

"Got a light?" I asked with a small smirk, holding out my candle. He seemed a little shocked, as his eyes locked with mine rather than his friend's.

"I think I know you, you're shivering..." he trailed off slightly. Well duh.

"It's nothing, they turned off my heat. And I'm just a little weak on my feet, would you light my candle?"

He guided me inside the apartment and pulled out a small lighter. He cupped his hand around the candle before lighting it, the flame flickering. He looked at me and smiled slightly. "What're you staring at?"

"Nothing, just your hair in the moonlight. You look familiar... can you make it?" He asked, looking slightly embarrassed but also had a look of concern.

"Just haven't seen much today, at least the room stopped spinning, anyway." He continued to stare at me. "What?"

"Nothing, your smile reminded me of someone," he looked away, a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"I always remind people of, who is he?" I said, blowing out my candle.

"He died, his name was James."

"It's out again! Sorry 'bout your friend, would you light my candle?"

He sighed a bit playfully as he took the lighter to the candle again, a flame illuminating our faces. "Well?"

"Yeah... ow!" I exclaimed, bringing my finger to my mouth to soothe the burn.

"The wax, it's-"

"Dripping..." I cut him off. "I like it between my-" I inched closer to him, seductively bringing my hand to his chest before being cut off.

"-fingers! I figured... oh well. Goodnight." He began to usher me out the door.

As I was leaving, I blew out the candle while checking my pockets. It's gone, dammit. I knocked on the doorframe while looking around worriedly.

"It blew out again?" He asked, looking over at me.

"No, I think that I dropped my stash..." I began walking further into the apartment while still looking around frantically.

"I know I've seen you out and about, when I used to go out. Your candles out." He observed, arms crossed, motioning to the cande.

"I'm illin', I had it when I walked in the door. It was pure! Is it on the floor?~" I said as I lowered myself to the floor, being sure stick out my butt as I crawled.

"The floor?"

"They say that I have the best ass below 14th street, is it true?" I asked seductively.

"What?" He was staring at me as I crawled around looking.

"You're staring again."

"Oh no! I mean you do... have a nice a— I mean, you look familiar."

"Like your dead brother."

"Only when you smile but I'm sure I've seen you somewhere else." He began to look around too.

"Do you go to the Cat Scratch Club? That's where I work, I dance."

He seemed to think for a few seconds before saying, "Yes! The used to tie you up."

"It's a living."

"I didn't recognize you without the handcuffs," he said with a smirk.

"We could light the candle. Won't you light the candle?" I held out the candle again.

"Why don't you forget that stuff, you look like you're 16."

"I'm 19! But I'm old for my age. I'm just born to be bad."

"I once was born to be bad. I used to shiver like that-"

"I have no heat I told you!"

"I used to sweat"

"I got a cold..."

"Uh huh, I used to be a junkie."

"But now and then I like to-"

"Uh huh"

"Feel good~"

"Oh here it is"

"What's that?"

"Oh, just a candy bar wrapper," he said as he stuffed something into his back pocket.

"We could light the candle," I said as he blew out the flame. "Oh, what'd you do with my candle?"

"That was my last match."

"Our eyes'll just thank god for the moon."

"Maybe it's not the moon at all, I hear Spike Lee's shooting down the street."

"Bah humbug," I said playfully. "Bah humbug."

We sat down on the couch and I took his hands in mine. "Cold hands," He said.

"Yours too, big... like my fathers. Do you wanna dance?"

"With you?"

"No, with my father." I replied sarcastically as we stood up. I put my hands around his wait, slightly feeling his back pocket. There it is.

"I'm John."

"They call me," I took the small bag out of his pocket. "They call me, Alex." I took that bag and waved it in front of his face. I took my candle and my powder and left, closing the door behind me.


A/N: this is light my candle from Rent if you didn't already know
896 words

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