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Sitting under the cool shade given off by the large tree in your back yard, you and you're best friend , Kouta Tsuchiya , were taking a break from running around in circles, rolling on the grass, and having random giggling fits. Pretty much what any eight year olds would do on a summers day.

The day was very beautiful with an orange sunset and a calming breeze. You were having so much fun with him, it hurt your little heart as the thought of it being the last day you would get to see him ran through your mind.

You see, your parents had been getting in many verbal fights recently, thankfully none were physical. And just the other night you heard your mother shout at your father that she wanted a 'divorce'. You weren't sure what it meant but Kouta told you that it's when , " A mommy and daddy get in lots of fights and decide to not live together anymore". You didn't like having to move but your mother made sure that she got custody over you. So you were being forced to leave all your friends and your father behind. You loved them very much, and you also loved your mother but, you just hated what was happening. Kouta told you that you needed to be positive so you tried to focus on the nice things that could happen in your new life across the ocean in America, and on the amazing memories that you had made in Japan.

Reaching into your small (fav color) bag, you pulled out two small heart shaped frames which held two of your favorite pictures.

The first on was of you with Kouta and your mom and dad.

It was from Halloween last year. In the picture you wore a gorgeous (fav color) princess dress with a matching tiara. Kouta was your prince, with an outfit the same color as yours, and your mom and dad the king and queen.

The second photograph , with the two of you grinning with a scowling mother in the back ground, was taken on your last birthday, when you failed at making a cake with Kouta.

Really you guys just ended up getting the batter all over each other , and the kitchen,in a playful fight.Your parents almost died when they walked out of the spotless kitchen to get a movie ready to watch only to walk back in seconds later to two seven year olds covered in chocolate cake batter sitting on the floor with innocent looks on their faces.

Life seemed so perfect. And now it seemed to be crumbling.

You turned to Kouta and handed him the pictures.

"Here. They're for you, so you won't forget me."

He took the pictures and looked at them. He thanked you with a smile. He then reached into his bag and pulled out a (fav color) camera and handed it to you.

"A goodbye gift. Remember to always take pictures of things you really like."

You took it cautiously, not wanting to drop it and cause it harm.

"In that case , can I take a picture of you , Kouta?"

He went a bit wide eyed but then grinned.

"Only if I get to take one of you afterwards!"

He pulled out the silver camera that he always kept in his bag.

After snapping a picture of one another you laid on the grass and squeezed your eyes shut.

"I wish I didn't have to leave. Why do mommies and daddies have to get in fights and divorce?"

"Im not sure... "

The two of you looked up at the sky and after a several minutes of silence, Kouta sat up and quickly and turned to you.

"____! Let's make a promise! A promise that we'll never get in fights when we're older!"

"That's a great idea , Kouta!!"

Both of you stood up and locked each others pinky fingers. You looked into his dark blue eyes and he stared back at your (eye color) ones.

" I , Kouta Tsuchiya, promise to never be rude to you when we're older, and when you become my wife, I'll never leave your side! I'll love you forever and ever, my princess! " You gave him a goofy smile which he returned and then you continued the promise.

" And I , (first name) (last name) , promise to never get in fights and be mean to you. Especially once you become my husband! You'll be my prince and I'll love you forever and ever!"

As soon as you finished your promise you heard your mother call your name.

"____ ? Honey , come inside. It's time to go! Say goodbye now."

With tears in your eyes you turned to Kouta and gave him a hug.

" Bye Kouta! I'm going to miss you! Please don't forget me!! I know I won't forget you!"

He hugged you back, tears running down his cheeks as he replied, " I'll miss you too. And don't worry , I'll never forget someone as wonderful as you!" He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off towards his home. You were left all alone sobbing in your backyard as you watched your best friend leave. You curled up into a ball on the grass, letting your tears soak your clothing. After a couple minutes you shuffled back inside and more tears were shed as you gave your dad a good bye hug.

On the car ride to the airport , you stayed silent.

Before the plane took off, you cried yourself to sleep.

When you awoke, you were on a plane over a sparkling blue ocean. On your way to a new country and a new life.

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