Chapter Seven

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It's the next day from mine and Jordons argument I look to the side of me I see
Jordon asleep so I slap him in the face.

"Ouch what the fuck "Jordon says suddenly waking up thinking what had happened

"I though you could use a wake up call " I say as I go to the bathroom as I turn on the shower

With in a few minutes Jordon walks in while I'm still in the shower he uses the toilet.

"I said I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't tell that dirty prick has escaped prison but if you think
for 1 fucking minute I'm going to apologise for Protecting you then your sadly missed
taken" Jordon says all I do is look at him

"Your my wife I will always protect you" Jordon adds

"Well I need to feel that I can trust my husband but how can I when he's talking to everyone
else apart from me how do you think it felt being told by news reporters before my husband " I say as I wash my hair

" I didn't know that they was going to say anything "  Jordon says

" please tell me your joking you know who my dad is you do work for him" I shout

" All I can say is sorry i just didnt want you upset " jordon says

"How are we going to move on from this because I can't see how we can " I say

"You can accept my apologise and we can enjoy what little of our honeymoon and
when we go back we look out for Carl White as a team " Jordon says

I take a few seconds then turn the shower of then step of the shower then
Jordon gets a clean dry towel and wrap it around me

"Fine but the next time this fucking happens I'm done "  I say

"There won't be a next time "Jordon says

"Well you been warned " I say as I walk back into the bedroom


I am in the pool and Jordon is in the kitchen making dinner I have no idea
what he's doing but to be fair that's nothing normal with him


" Fifi is there anything else that needs for your wedding "
Koko says as I'm counting the money back

"No just people turning people on time for the wedding for now to be honest and hopefully
everyone has a nice time as me and my husband to be would be great" I say to Koko 

" That's good with 2 days to spear " Koko says

" I know I just got to pick everyone's Bride maid dresses on my way to the bank " I say (picture below)

" I know I just got to pick everyone's Bride maid dresses on my way to the bank " I say (picture below)

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"Are you sure you don't want me to get the dresses for you " Koko says

" No it's fine but if you could deal with Lyssa that be great" I say with a grin

"She still saying yes no " Koko says

"Unfortunately but we all though about after the honeymoon that me and Jordon look after
the girls and try to find her a rehab clinic to help her" I say

"Sound like a good idea " Koko says


" queen dinners ready " Jordon says

"Coming " I say as I come back into the real world if theres ever such a thing.

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