Chapter Seventeen

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It's the next day I've gotten an email from the builders from the veterinary and recovery
hotel they said its all done so now I need to get  gardeners ,some decorators and furniture
can't wait but I need to get my degree done.

Thinking about me having my veterinary and recovery hotel makes me think of my mum she never wanted a girl only boys its why she went to drugs and alcohol as well as a prostitute being that's is what killed her.

5 of her top clients is what killed her there names was Mitchel French , Paul Mason,
Matt Wilding , Jack Rimmer and Carl White.

They all got her in the kitchen taken it in turns to rope her then torture her.

By burning her with a cigarettes ,tried to drowning her head in the sink
while putting things into her vagina.

Then burn her with a candle.

Once they done that they hung her by rope they watched till she died then they left the house.

Even though she hurt me I so many ways but I still want justice for my mum she died on my
little brothers birthday he was 3 back then he had to go into care that's when
I went to moma roses.

Them 5 men nearly stopped me trusting any men it was so hard for me still is at times.

But there's one thing I'm glad about my little brother Wyatt I was the one who
named him I love that name after watching Charmed.

Wyatt is a lovely lad I'm so glad that he don't remember Mitchel ,Paul , Matt ,Jack or Carl.
At all or mum for that matter he's with a foster family they look after
him I see him every other Saturday he has a girlfriend can't wait to
meet her he tells me that she's a lovely person he makes me feel so proud.


I'm at the shop giving it a clean over while the girls are sorting out
orders and customers and orders.

"Koko can I have a word" I ask

" Yeah sure is everything okay" she says

"Yeah I hope so" I say

I have to talk to her as I haven't heard from her Kay hasn't to if she want to keep this
job and want to be in mine and Kay's life's then I need to know why she didn't come
to work this could go very bad its making me nervous.

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