Chapter Eighteen

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It's the same day I'm waiting for Koko to come into the office I
hope I'm not waiting for to long.

After 10 minutes my wait is over thank fuck.

"Hiya" Koko says

"Hiya can you the door please" I say softer she closes the door I begin the
why the fuck wasn't you in work talk.

"Where was you the other day " I say getting straight to the point

"I'm sorry that I didn't message you but things aren't going well at home " Koko says

"Why didn't you say this to me or Kay you know what we been though our life hasn't been a fairy tale" I say

"I know honestly I love my time here and being with you and Kay its just being with my mum "Koko says

"Why what's going on with you and your mum " I say sounding conserned

I wait a few minutes for her to say something but she just starts to cry so I give her a hug.

"If you don't say what's wrong how can I or anyone help you" I say

"I totally understand where your coming from its just hard for me to say what going
on with my personal life can you give me so time " Koko says

" Yes that's fine if you promise to talk if you don't want to with me than please do talk
to Kay we both learnt the hard way that its not health to not talk to people" I say

Me and Koko just hug but there's not a lot to do if she won't talk or try.


It's now the night me Kay spoken about Koko but it's hard to think what's wrong when we
know that its probelythe simplest thing which is talk but when the person
won't speak up is the hardest thing.

In 30 minutes comes into the family room after reading 8 story's to Lily to get her to sleep
which is hard when all she wants to do is talk and someone to read story's to her which is
ready fucking annoying when all day you being doing is cleaning clothes or
redecorating, furnituring the bungalow.

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