Chapter Eleven

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It's the next day I bag up our clothes and go to the laundromat as
I would be able to talk to Kay an my own.

I haven't heard from Jordon so I disside to send him a message.

Me: Hiya my king I hope your okay I haven't head from
you since we got to the flat love you x

Jordon: Sorry my queen im okay i will tell you everything later
where will you be will you be x

Me: I'm going to the laundromat as there's shift loads of clothes plus I can't find you
suit so I can wash it I got my wedding dress plus I been looking and wallpapers
for our first proper home together x

(Pheobe Leighs wedding dress is at the top and Jordons suit is below)

Jordon: Can't wait to see them and I will look for the suit I know I haven't left it x

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Jordon: Can't wait to see them and I will look for the suit I know I haven't left it x

With that I drive to the laundromat I can't believe the amount of clothes I
have to wash not sure I will get them all washed today.

I have opened the shop and start with some of the washing.

"Hello my queen" Jordon says

I look and give him a smile " Hello how are you " I say

"Not to bad thanks " Jordon says

"Thats good I can tell something is bothering you" I says

" No ones heard from Lyssa since the wedding and your dad and Beth got the
girls for now" Jordon says

"We did agree for the girls to stay at ours but as Beth is still fighting cancer then
we need to get the house ready for the girls and us" I say

"Thats what I was thinking to, you won't to let your dad and Beth know" Jordon says

"I will send a message as I'm at the laundromat " I say Jordon just nods

Me: Hi dad Jordons told me everything how's the girls I would ring but
I'm at the laundromat.

Dad: Hi the girls are confused and worried about everything that's
going on did you find a house.

Me: hopefully when they are with me and Jordon they feel more better
I will get Jordon and Donte Lee to start with the decrorateing and getting
furniture in then let you know they can come.

Dad: that's fine keep me updated, I ask some of your brother's to help as well.

Me: that be great if they could.

"I spoken to dad I think the faster we can get the house ready the better for
the girls and them" I say

"Great Idea I don't think it will take that long at all" Jordon says

"Okay then let's start to look then go from there" I suggest Jordon agrees

I can see we going to get headache from this but needs doing.

I get my laptop while Jordon goes to get us some drinks.

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