Chapter Thirty~Nine

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I am now 25 weeks Madalynn,ABbie and Lily are all dressed ready for school all I
have to do is make breakfast for them then Jordon is taking to school.

"Abbie ,Madalynn and Lily come on breakfast "I shout

After less then a minute the girls come to the table and eating there breakfast.

N about 10-15 minutes the girls have eat ten there breakfast and are ready for
Jordan to take then they give me hugs then grab there bags then head to the car.


That's the kitchen cleaned now the family room then the hallway.

Lyssa: I need help

Me: what's wrong Lyssa it it okay for me to ring you x

Lyssa: no just message

Me: what you need help with, where are you I'll pick you up x

Lyssa: I need money need to pay the dealer

Me: how much you need how I get it to you x

While I wait for Lyssa to reply I quickly message dad , Leland and Dunae Lee.

Me: hiya I just gotten some messages from Lyssa x

As I wait on them to respond I carry on with the cleaning but I'm worried what
would happen if I don't give her money or if I do will keep getting asked for
money will this affect us getting Jai Jai.


In 2 hours I done the cleaning in the family room and the hallway just to do mine
and Jordons bedroom and bathroom.

Within a minute I got a response from Lyssa.

Lyssa: I need $1500 today

Me: okay how do I get the money to you is there some where I can meet you x

Lyssa: yes at Waikiki beach by the benches at 1

Me: okay see you soon x

I then message dad, Leland and Dunae Lee.

Me:Lyssas messaged me back she's meeting at 1 at Waikiki beach x.

Dad: okay will give you the money and Leland , Duane Lee and Sonny
will come

with you if you think you can handle it.

Me: I should be fine if Duane Lee , Sonny and Leland are defantley going
to be with me x

Dad: they will and they will pick you up I'll let Jordon and Donte Lee know whats

I put things away then go get my bag that'd for the hospital just in case and my personal
bag so I can put my keys ,phone and the money into it.

I look for my jacket and shoes while waiting for the boy's to come pick me up.

"Are you ready for your first hunt little ones" I say to my bump as I put my hand
on my bump.

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