Chapter Forty

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I'm at the benches waiting on Lyssa I hope she's hurrys up I'm getting a
bit of pain.

I'm trying to take my mind f the pain by thinking where is Lyssaand that
im glad that its not raining and that I'm glad that the boy's are close by
just in case if things goes wrong in anyway.

Then I get a message by Beth.

Beth: me and dad are on the beach we can see if Lyssa comes up to you x

Me: okay mom x

As I lift my head I see Lyssa with some guy with her who the fuck is he I
wounder if he's the dealer.

Lyssa looks a mess you can tell she's been sleeping rough and that she's
been drinking and  taking drugs I smile as I wait for them both to come
to the table that im at with in less then a minute they are at the table.

"Do you have my money" the guy says

" your rude" I  say

I'm trying to keep them here while waiting for Beth dad and the boy's to get to me.

"I asked you a question" the guy says sounding more annoyed

"Yes I do but I want answers to mine questions first by Lyssa"I say

Lyssa just gives me a dirty look.

"Give him the money then we will talk" Lyssa says

So I give the guy  the money even though I would love to punch in
the face but I'm pregnant and I don't want him or anyone else to
hurt my twins I just hope Lyssa keeps to her word.

"Looks like all the money is there" the guy says then starts to walk away
by grabbing Lyssas arm.

"You said we could talk Lyssa" I say as I try to get up

Lyssa and the guy don't say a thing just gives me a look to say piss off.

Within a minute Leland runs over to the guy.

"Get off my sister " Leland shouts

"Or what you going to do about it" the guy says

"Lyssa what about your girls do you even give a shit about them at all" I say

Snit some liquid jusy came out of me oh fuck I'm in Labour.

Snit some liquid jusy came out of me oh fuck I'm in Labour

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