Chapter Thirty~Two

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Its the same day but the afternoon i need to see if Mama Rose is free I quickly
send her a message.

Me: Hi Mama Rose are you free for a catch up x

While I wait for her to  reply I carry on doing the orders and then go to the
back and sort out the coins so they are ready for the bank.

Mama Rose:off course I am my girl come round anytime x

Me: Okay I won't be long x

I get out off the back room and lock the door then go into the lobby.

" Koko I'm going to my Mama Roses will you be okay for a bit" I ask

"Yes of course I will be okay " Koko says

"If you want or need me then give me a ring" I say


I am on my way to Mama Roses lucky for me she only lives 10
minutes away I can't wait to see her.

After 10 mintues of driving I lock my car then walk into Mama Roses bungalow.

"Mama Rose" I shout

"In here love" Mama Rose says

I walk into the kitchen.

"Look at you I still can't believe your pregnant I'm so happy for you"
Mama Rose says with a smiles quiet proudly.

" I thinking that and that I wouldn't of even gotten married if it
wasn't for you" I say

"Is everything okay love" Mama Rose asks

I don't say anything for about a minute.

"Its Jordon I don't know if I can trust him at the moment" I say

"I though things was okay with you to now"Mama Rose says as she
makes me a herbal tea.

"We are not the same as we used to be anymore I just have this feeling that the
minute I'm in Labour that he's going to leave me" I say

"Have you spoken to him about how you feel about everything" Mama Rose

"Not really he said he has something to tell me but I told him to tell me when
the twins are born" I say

"But they won't be here for weeks love yours and j ordons marriage isn't mine
but if I was you I would get him to talk sooner that way there's less worry
when your twins are here" Mama Rose

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