Chapter Eight

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"I know we going back home tomorrow but i seen this bungalow what do you think" I say

"I actually  like it " Jordon says

" but where are you and Donte Lee going to put the Bail Bonds "I say

" don't worry about that I will talk to your brother first when we get back
now shall we buy the bungalow "Jordon says

" Yes let's "I say then give him a kiss and start buying the bungalow

After about 1-2hours we brought a bungalow I can't believe we actually brought a
bungalow hopefully we can make it into a forever home.

"Is it wrong of me to say that I can't wait to get home to start with the decorating "
I say and Jordon just smiles at me

" Me to my queen, oh I had an email from Beth this morning Lyssa is getting worse " Jordon says

"Then I think maybe we should go back" I say

"Okay I will tell Beth and see what she says"  Jordon says

I smile and give Jordon a smile then Jordon gets his phone and emails Beth I wonder
what's happened to Lyssa I hope Abbie and Madalynn are okay.

"Can you ask how Abbie and Maddie are please" I ask

"Of course I will my queen " Jordon says

"Thank you my king " I say

With that I make a cup of tea for me and a coffee for Jordon now we are chilling at home as
I don't want the news reporters to hassle me about Carl White that guy if you Can call I
him a guy as he abused children.


I am at the pool with a nice cold glass off wine.
While I wait for Kay to message me back.

"I've got another idea "Jordon says

"Whats your idea my king " I say

"We go a lot of rooms plus it's not far from pre school so why not have Kay and
Lily live with us " Jordon says

"I love tyou and I love your idea I will speak to Kay when we get back " I say

" sounds like another plan and I love you to my queen"  I say

We kiss then chill together by the pool and below the Sun

" what time you going to start packing my king " I say

" early in the morning you" Jordon says

" no your fucking joking don't say your going to leave me to do your go suit case" I say

Jordon just gives me a cheeky smile

"Your fucking mean " I say

" I know you will anyways " Jordon says

" so your not even going to help me " I say

" I do by giving you great sex " Jordon says

I just start laughing I'm so glad that no ones else is here to hear that the bastard

I climb on top of him start kissing his v line then work my way up as I kiss his
body till I meet his lips I slowly move of his then I say
" I don't think so "then walk away.

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