Chapter Nineteen

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After a week the Bungalow is all decorated just waiting on the sofa and the hot tub
hut to be delivered and build so we all are starting to pack some things for me or
Jordon to get into the bungalow then I need to get Madalynn and Annie.

I am on my way to the laundromat to get it open and to save some boxes for us to
pack our crap into.


It's the afternoon and I have Batman and Tinkerball with me but they are in the
back as they use everywhere and everything as thetoilet and I don't
want them to run out off the door.

I'm doing over time today as there's a lot of orders as there's some peoples work
places and lot of others.

I think I'm going to be spending a few over nights here.

'Looks like I'm having take out tonight lucky me' I say to my self

Kook is still a bit rocky I'm hoping to see her soon but I'm not to sure if she
will come or message me but I hope she does I don't want to loses her i
need to get her to open up to me or Kay I need to message koko and dad.

Me: hiya hin hope your okay a you let me know if your coming to work today.Fifi x

Me: hi dad me,Jordon and Kay are now starting to taking some clothes o the Bungalow so
I'll be up soon to get Madalynn and Abbie. X

While I wait on a reply and there's no customers I lock the door and let Batman
and Tinkerbell out in the back so they can go toilet.


It's now closing time well for the customers anyway I'm staying a few more hours
then the same tomorrowtill the orders have gone down.

I could do with Kay and koko doing the same but Kay has Lily and as for koko well
I have no idea what happening with her

Koko " hiya sorry I didn't come in,is it okay to come now. X k

Me: it's okay hun and yeah come round the back see you soon . Fifi x

Thank god she messaged me things could of gotten really different of she
didn't messaged, I'm so glad she's listened to me.

After 10 minutes koko comes in.

"Hiya " koko say with in a few bags and her face you can tell she's been hit.

"Everything okay" I ask

"Yeas and no " koko says

"Why no " I ask sounding considered

"My mom has a new boyfriend and wanted me out so he can move in I wasn't happy
about it and one thing lend to another " she said simply

"Fucking hell, do you have somewhere to stay " I ask

Koko doesn't say anything just look at the floor.

"I can give you the sofa if your okay with that and if you want you can rent it of me cheap " I say

"Really you would do that for me" koko says

"Of course I would I do just about anything for my family " I say to her while giving her a hug.

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