Chapter Ten

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Me and Jordon are at the flat no ones in so we drop off the suit cases jordon then
goes with Donte Lee to talk about the Bail Bonds company that they going to run.

I grab my car keys then head to the laundromat as I got an hour till Lily finishes pre school
I sent Kay a message before i start to drive.

Me: Hiya I'm home I've got something to show you close the laundromat
I will meet you round the back.

Kay: Okay see you soon.


I have parked outside Lilys pre school.

" Are you coming" Kay asks

"Yeah yeah" I say as I get out the car.

Me and Kay walk towards Lilys class then wait to the for the
door to open for the children to come out.

"How was the flight to Bora Bora" Kay askes

"What on the way there or back" I ask

"Both" Kay says

"Both was nice on the way there though there was this couple have a right  argument
not sure what about but i think it was money " i say

"Really and what about on the back " Kay says

"Do you really want to know " I say

"I do now tell" Kay says

"On the plane me and jordon had sex " I say quietly

"Oh my god your in the mile high club " Kay just about shouts my god
I feel a fair few eye balls stirring at me.

We both just start laughing.

"But me and jordon nearly ended up getting divorce "
I say slightly changing the mood and conversation.

"Really why's that" Kay says

" 2 words Carl White " I says

"Oh we did think it was for the best and I am sorry that it nearly
course you and jordon to get a divorce"  Kay says

"To be honest I was very annoyed as the news reporter told me" I say

"I didn't know that you was told by the news reporters" Kay says

"I hope it don't happen again and that they find him " I say

"Me to" Kay say

With in 2 minutes the bell rang we wait for the teacher to let Lily come out.

"Auntie Fifi " Lily shouts but like normal we can't see her.

Lily make her way to her teacher Kay goes up to the teacher then the
teacher allows Lily to go once she sees Kay.

Lily and Kay walks a little bit then she sees me.

"I know I seen you " Lily says she sounds so happy bless her she's grown so much.

Then she runs into my arms and we give each other kisses to each other.

" Did you get me some from boring " Lily says

Me and Kay just can't help it but laugh.

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