Chapter Thirty~Three

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It's the morning and my god I can hear Abbie on the phone my god can
she talk a load of crap.

I need to get into the shower then get dressed but I really can't be
bothered I just want to chill at home.


I am now clean, dry and showered time to sort out the children I then go knock
on the bedroom doors and tell everyone that time to get dressed and go to the
table for breakfast. I then make my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I still have what Mama Rose said to me yesterday in my head I know she's right
but is it the know the issue or the not knowing.

"Everything okay my queen" Jordon says

"Not sure you" I say

"Is there something I can help you with" Jordon says

"Could you take the girls to school, Kay has college and Koko need to be at the shop" I say

"Yeah of course I will not a problem" Jordon says

"Then come back here and if you have time " I say God I almost sound cold

"Yeah I will message you when I'm on my way back" Jordon says

I don't say anything I just give Jordon a grin.

I start making breakfast for everyone then Abbie comes to the kitchen then so does Kay
and Lily then Madalynn.

" morning, j ordons taking you all today if that's okay girls" I say

"Yeah " they all say at the same time


After about an hour Jordon arrives after taking Kay, Lily,Abbie and Madalynn
I make joy self a cup of herbal tea but if I'm honest I would rather have a
coffee but I have been told off because I have to much of it.

"I'm back how you feeling my queen" Jordon asks

"Pregnant" I say

I take a deep breath then look at Jordon.

"I know I said I didn't want to know what you got to tell me till our twins are born
but I've been thinking that I would rather know now" I say

"Okay" Jordon says

Jordon makes him self a drink then comes to the table and sits next to me then he
closes his eyes then he looks at me.

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