Chapter Twenty

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Its the same night me and koko have been talking and doing the laundry
and to be honest it doesn't look like we made a difference at all but
hopefully in a day or 2 it will start to make a difference.

"I will let Batman and Tinkerbell out" koko says

"Okay thank you hun"I say as I take the washing out of the washer


I quickly send kay and Jordon a message about koko I hope they won't go mad.

Me: hiya please don't get mad kokos mums is now has now kicked her out so I
allowed her to stay on our sofa then when we move she can live in
the flat hope you don't mind. X

Me and koko got 1 hour left then we will be back tomorrow such fun.

"Hows the veternary  and recovery clinic coming along" koko asks

"I need to get furniture and to decorate it but I need to sort out the Bungalow first
as well as get a ardener but I need to finish my degree " I say

"Are you looking forward to being a vet " koko say

" Yes but I'm hoping that it all turns out okay" I say

Koko just gives me a smile while we put 1 last load into the washer then hang up the wet laundry

"Do you want anywhere pizza" I ask

"Yeah please" koko says

I go and warm up some pieces of pizza for me and koko.


Me , koko , Batman and Tinkerbell are nearly home thank fuck.

"I can't wait to sleep" I say

"Me to " koko says

"That guy was asking about you the other day"I say

"What guy " koko asks

"I think his name was .... Leo " I say

"Oh my god" koko says

"Come on what's wrong with him" I say

"Its not him its more what's my mom said" koko says

I give her a look

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