you're sparking my interest

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The first hour at the club is spent getting drinks and scoping out sacrifices while also meeting some of Jaebum's best friends. Seulgi already knows Mark and Jinyoung, but she's also introduced to Youngjae and Junho. "I have to go get ready for my set now, I'll text you when you all can come up to the booth." Jaebum tells Seulgi directly in her ear, his hand resting on her lower back. She nods in acceptance, leaning to press a kiss against his lips because he's hers and she can do that. Joy pretends to gag, and Seulgi ignores her while Jaebum kisses her once more before leaving. Seulgi then turns to Joy, linking arms with her. "What about him?" She points to a blonde in the corner sipping water.

"Hm... too skinny."

"You're killing him, who cares how skinny he is?"

"I have standards. What about him?"

"Muscle-head? Ew."

"All the more reason we should get rid of him. Such an eyesore."

"What are you two going on about?" Irene asks walking over to them.

"Picking our victim for the night." Joy tells her, "so far we've agreed on muscle-head over there."


"You know him?"

"Had class with him once. Super cute, if you're into guys at least." Irene jokes. "Go talk to him, Joy."

"Time to work my charm." Joy stands straight and flips her hair, "wish me luck though I don't need it." They watch her leave, giggling to themselves.

"Do you think it'll work?" Seulgi asks and Irene shrugs.

"Probably...if not, she'll just slip something into his drink."

"Does she have something on her?"

"No, but it's Joy. She can get creative." Irene then turns more towards Seulgi, her eyebrows furrowed, "Are you going to tell Jaebum tonight?"

"I probably should. I could also just wait until tomorrow."

"Going home with him?" Seulgi nods her head. "Seulgi," Irene begins, "I know this is all fun and games to you, but please be careful."

"Are we really going through this again? I can handle it."

"I know you can, but I can't! I'm under just as much scrutiny, if my grandmother feels like you're out of line, she looks at me first."

"None of us asked for you to take care of us. We don't need a team captain." Seulgi tells her, "I understand, Irene, I really do. If my relationship with Jaebum blows up in my face, it'll be my fault and mine alone. I'll vouch for you, for Wendy, and for Joy, and keep your names out of it."

"We're all best friends, you don't have to be alone."

"But sometimes I do. I like him, a lot, and I want to pursue whatever is between us, and I'm not letting our coven leader prevent me from living my life."

"But witch law..."

"Is ancient and needs to be rewritten. Are we going to have fun tonight or what?" Seulgi's done going back and forth and defending her choices to her friends. She can do what she wants, and she will do what she wants. 

When she finally gets the text from Jaebum, Seulgi is dragging her friends to the DJ booth immediately after, hoping that some good tunes will help pull the sticks out of their asses. They're all worried about her relationship, and she gets it, but at the same time they should trust her. She wouldn't risk her loyalty to the coven if she didn't think everyone was overreacting. Jaebum's a harmless mortal. He doesn't care about coven affairs, doesn't care about the Dark Lord's mission, doesn't care about witchcraft. He's been accepting to Seulgi so far, why would that suddenly change?

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