i'm sorry i'm bad

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Now that Shoo isn't around, Seulgi feels back to her normal self. It feels good that she doesn't have to sneak around to see Jaebum, even if she does still sneak off just for the thrill. Today they're studying for midterms in their school's cafeteria, or more specifically Jaebum is studying, Seulgi is just stealing bites from his muffin. "So, do you not plan on studying at all?" Jaebum wonders.

"I just look over my notes the night before."

"Let me guess, you have a spell for it?"

"Nope, well I do, but I don't use it. I just use one for memory."

"I'm actually very proud that you don't blatantly cheat."

"I can be good, you know."

"Oh really?" Jaebum smirks, "Thinking about last night, that's a little hard to believe." he places a kiss against her cheek.

"Who I am in the comfort of mine and your bedrooms says nothing about my character."

"I beg to differ," Jaebum teases, "I'm off to get more coffee, can I get you something?"

"Another muffin?"

"Sure, wait for me, and try not to stare at my back." He cups her face pressing a kiss against her lips making Seulgi giggle because she's in love, even if she hasn't told him that yet. She watches Jaebum walk away and head up to one of the many options they have in the cafeteria.

Of course, he ends up in her line. Her being Naeun, someone Seulgi used to get along with until she stabbed her in the back by dating Taemin before Seulgi could confess to him. That was back in high school, and Seulgi should be over it, but her clan likes to hold grudges. She's well aware of Naeun's flirting techniques. She bats her eyelashes, plays with the ends of her long hair and stands a bit to the side, trying to show off her body line. She's doing all these things to Jaebum right now, and it's taking a lot for Seulgi not to mutter an incantation and make the girl bark like a dog, because she's definitely barking up the wrong tree. Instead, she decides to play nice, for now, but only because she just boasted about her ability to be good. It doesn't stop her from glaring daggers at Naeun though.

Jaebum comes back to her, holding the muffin out like it's a prize, "A humble offering to the princess." he jokes, taking a seat next to her. Seulgi kisses him before curling around his arm.

"Do you know Naeun?"

"Hm? Yeah, we had a few classes together."

"How many is a few?"

"Like three? Why?"

"She was flirting with you."


"So? I haven't tormented anyone in a while."

"What happened to being good?"

"That was before she started flirting with you."

"Don't let it get to you, but if you want to torment her tomorrow when I'm not around to stop you... I can't really do anything about it."

"That sounds like permission to me."

"I always tell you that you can do as you please, plus I'm a little curious."

"Are you sure you're not supernatural? You have an inkling for chaos?"

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